Annual Reports

Annual Report 2022
In the academic year 2021/2022 the number of students returned back to its pre-pandemic levels after a temporary increase in students preferring to stay in Aruba during the pandemic. Academic year 2022/2023 has continued with a similar level of number of students. International exchanges of students and staff resumed. Lessons and act ivit ies of student center have fully resumed to face to face activities. Center for Lifelong Learning organized a record 146 events!

Annual Report 2021
Throughout the year 2021 University of Aruba continued to be significantly affected by the pandemic and much of our focus was devoted to minimize its risks and effects on our students, staff, operations and the Aruban community. The UA operated in a flexible way adhering to frequently changing COVID protocols in place. Most of the education took place face-to-face supplemented with the online classes. Research and accreditation efforts continued in orderly fashion and travel of external guests and speakers as well as UA staff resumed especially in the second half of the year. UA continued to build on flexibility, blended learning capabilities and digitalization achieved during 2020.
In February 2021, UA staff and teaching activities moved from the administrative building located on the LG Smith Boulevard to the LSB campus housing new flexible work spaces in modular units. UA in its stance of solidarity continued with the reduced salary and benefits of all its staff throughout the whole year 2021.

Annual Report 2020
The focus which the University of Aruba has taken in 2020 has been heavily influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic had a profound effect on our students, staff, operations and the Aruban community at large. In mid-March 2020, the Government of Aruba (GoA) has taken steps to contain the virus and had imposed a ‘shelter in place’. The UA was physically closed for several weeks and gradually reopened later on with limited operations and safety protocols in place. UA has switched from face-to-face to online education almost overnight which required adjustment in the way of work for all staff. UA’s financial support from the GoA has been reduced by over 1 million AFL in 2020 and significant decrease has been noted in other streams of UA’s income. UA took a stance of solidarity and on request of the GoA reduced salary and benefits of all its staff. A thorough risk assessment in relation to COVID-19 has been performed and measures have been taken to ensure the continuity of our operations and fulfilling of our strategic objectives.

Annual Report 2019
UA is an interdisciplinary university whose student base has been steadily growing. This has been broadened even further with the addition of SISSTEM in 2019. There are many opportunities how UA can further develop offering local and international students world-class opportunities, develop further its research capabilities and service to Aruban society. In 2019 the determination of the strategy for the upcoming years, the governance structure of the UA and development of the administrative environment were central to the BoT discussions.
As the BoT we would like to express our special appreciation and gratitude to all the lecturers and researchers, students and PhD candidates, the participation bodies and all supporting staff members and the Rector for their contribution and commitment to the UA during the year 2019 and we look forward to each one’s continued support in the years ahead since the future of the UA is in your hands.