


August 16, 2023


7:30 PM – 8:30 PM




Aula, University of Aruba

Environmental Law from German Perspective Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow – a Toothless Tiger or a Sharp Sword?



Can law help protect our environment, climate and nature? What influence and what responsibility do national and international legislators have for environmental protection? What can we learn from another country’s legal framework and where do individual states or global cooperation need to catch up? This interactive lecture will look at German environmental law and its global effects. The speaker will report on past developments and current challenges in the field of environmental law and talk about her own experiences. At the end, there will be the opportunity for a personal exchange on environmental law topics. The speaker will also be available to answer questions about study and work opportunities at her university in Germany as well as the exchange program based on the new cooperation between our universities.


Prof. Dr. iur. Juana Vasella is a professor at the Ernst Abbe University of Applied Sciences in Jena (Germany) and Vice Dean of the Department of Industrial Engineering there. In addition, she is a practicing attorney with a business law firm based in Zurich (Switzerland). Ms Vasella regularly publishes and lectures on current legal topics in Germany, Switzerland and abroad, especially in her main areas of work in health law and transportation law.

Speaker Profile – Ernst Abbe Hochschule Jena

Speaker Profile – MME Legal | Tax | Compliance

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