Public Lecture

March 2, 2023
7:00 PM
Room A – University of Aruba and Online via Zoom
Rethinking the value of the economic approach: A blessing or a curse for good governance?
Economics is undoubtedly the most esteemed and successful social science. Nobel Laureate Gary Becker (1990: p.5, 8) claims “that the economic approach is uniquely powerful because it…is a comprehensive one that is applicable to all human behavior”. Not only do rational choice and game theory, for example, find application in all areas of the social sciences, biology, logic, and computer science, but they have also made their way into the humanities.
In this vein, Karl Homann (2013: p. 4), the first business ethicist in the German speaking world, has developed a comprehensive research program under the heading of a ‘philosophical ethics with economic method’. His central proposition is that “corporations can only meet other demands, including morally-motivated demands, when these do not contradict the logic of the economic system”. Most, if not all, protagonists in the field of governance ethics consider morality as nothing more than a potential resource of economic cooperation and value creation” (Wieland,
2014: p. ix). The speaker will normatively assess this development and outline its consequences for our notion of good governance.
Dr. Michaël Suurendink EngD.
Dr. Michaël Suurendonk EngD is an Aruban, Berlin-based philosopher who is generally interested in the normative role of basic assumptions in social science. He is particularly concerned with the existential significance of autonomy and the logical development of its concept. His book “Metaphysics of Trust: On Freedom & Calculation in Social Cooperation” was recently published by Springer Nature (Issues in Business Ethics). Michaël holds a Master of Arts in Philosophy (Summa Cum Laude), a Master of Science in Policy & Organization Studies, a Doctorate in Engineering and a Doctorate in Economics (Summa Cum Laude).
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