Faculty of Arts and Science

About our faculty
Established in 2009, the Faculty of Arts and Science (FAS) is the fourth and youngest faculty of the University of Aruba. Through its programs, the FAS impacts the Aruban society in multiple ways. The FAS strengthens the role of the University of Aruba as a change agent in the Aruban society and the global community, by contributing to its development in all areas of human society and its natural environment: economic, social-cultural, natural, and ecological.

Academic programs
The FAS is set up as a multi-study faculty, with a focus on social-cultural studies and humanities.
The 4-year HBO-Bachelor Social Work and Development (SW&D) program provides students with a professional, research-based undergraduate program that explores the developmental-, theoretical- and practical perspectives of social work. Through the program Social Work and Development, the University contributes to relevant knowledge regarding social, cultural, economic, political and demographic issues in Aruba and in the region. More importantly, the Social Work and Development study program trains competent social work leaders ready to work in a diverse, multi-cultural and multi-lingual society, focused on transformation, empowerment and sustainable developmental social work practices.
The 4 year WO-Bachelor Organization, Governance and Management (OGM) program provides students with a scientific, research-oriented program and represents a joint venture between the academic fields of Organizational Sciences, Governance and Management. The mission of OGM is to study the interaction between social transformations and organizations, in relation to the local context and the public administration. It promotes a multi-perspective and a multi-disciplinary approach that focuses on theories and practices on governance, organizational development, business processes, research and (inter) cultural concepts. The OGM graduate can fulfill professional roles such as policy advisor, organizational advisor, manager, or researcher.
Study Resources and Downloads
For all downloads, including study guides, schedules, book lists and more, please use the button below.
Go to Study ResourcesInternational opportunities
Students can complete part of the bachelor’s degree or master’s by following courses abroad.
The Faculty of Arts and Science collaborates with a number of foreign universities to organize exchange programs based on the Erasmus+ mobility program and other non-Erasmus exchanges.
If you don’t study in Aruba but wish to take courses at the UA Faculty of Arts and Science, you might be eligible to do an exchange program at our university.
Contact the Office of International Affairs for more information
Vision and mission
The FAS aims to offer a substantial expansion of the possibilities for higher education in Aruba, as well as the expansion of research and social services in the field of social-cultural studies and humanities. The FAS trains dynamic and culturally competent leaders to create an impact and positively contribute to the development of the socio-cultural and humanities areas of their communities, with the focus on sustainability, diversity, civic participation, and identity.
The mission of the FAS is to offer undergraduate and graduate liberal arts education of the highest quality in the context of a small, student-friendly, and excellence-seeking university. The FAS offers distinctive academic programs which develop the student’s intellectual and personal potential to its maximum, encourages the development of teamwork competencies, enables the discovery of new knowledge and values while providing opportunities to acquire established knowledge and values, and fosters the individual’s critical support to society’s development.
Quality Assurance
The Faculty collaborates with the Center for Quality Assurance (CQA) of the University of Aruba to guarantee and continuously upgrade the quality of the programs of study. This is done among others, by means of evaluation of the different modules of the curriculum by students and lecturers. After each module, students are requested to fill in a course and test evaluation form. At the end of the academic year, focus groups are organized during the closure event. These instruments are indispensable for the quality cycle of the program. Consequently, students are encouraged to participate in these evaluation sessions.
Accreditation is a quality label that is granted formally by an independent authority to an academic and professional program that meets required standards related to a Bachelor’s or Master’s level. Over the last four years, the UA has invited the NVAO (Nederlands Vlaamse Accreditatieorganisatie) to evaluate its programs against international Bachelor and Master degree standards. The following study programs of the Faculty of Arts and Science have been awarded a positive evaluation. Click on the reports below to read the positive evaluations by NVAO (reports are in dutch).
NVAO positive institutional audit decision Bachelor Social Work and Development
NVAO positive institutional audit decision Bachelor Organization, Governance and Management
Partner institutions
The Faculty of Arts and Science of the University of Aruba has a wide range of cooperation agreements with different universities. Courses are taught not only by faculty members of the University of Aruba but also by visiting professors from various other universities.
Explore our Partner InstitutionsFaculty Dean and Vice-Deans
Faculty Staff

Salys Sultan is an associate professor at the University of Aruba, Faculty of Arts and Science, SISSTEM project. She has over 20 years of professional and problem-solving experience. She holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science, a European Master’s degree in Informatics And a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Management. Currently her research interests include data science for sustainability, software engineering and STEM learning design.
Email : salys.sultan@ua.aw
Phone : (297) 526-2200

Walter obtained his MA degree in Dutch Language and Culture in Amsterdam with a specialization in Linguistics and a thesis about Dutch loanwords in Curaçao Papiamentu in the 19th century. His experience of studying Swedish as a minor and living in Stockholm in 2003-2004 opened his eyes to the teachability of clear pronunciation and intonation in foreign languages, and to the virtue of writing clearly in academic writing. He has worked as a lexicographer, professional translator for businesses and government, and as a teacher of the Dutch Language at MAVO, HAVO, HBO, and University level, to target groups ranging from beginner to advanced.
Field of expertise
- Master Language and Culture in Amsterdam, specialization in Linguistics (thesis about Dutch loanwords in Curaçao Papiamentu in the 19th century.)
Research interests
History of language, Dutch etymology, language teaching methods, Dutch spelling policy and Papiamento / Papiamentu spelling policy, Dutch dialects and language variants, and best practices in language learning.
Educational certifications
Test and Assessment in Higher Education (Toets en Beoordeling in het hoger Onderwijs (TOBO)
FAS / OGM committee
Part-time lecturer representative FAS in the FAS Faculty Council
Email : walter.bakhuis@ua.aw
Phone : (297) 526-2200

Mieke de Droog is the Program Director of the Aruba Institute of Good Governance & Leadership (*GG&L) of the University of Aruba.
She teaches various subject areas of organization and management within the OGM studies since 2009. She collectively developed the curriculum of the OGM program and the program’s quality assurance. Her tasks include thesis coordination and guidance, research and social services activities.
Mieke is an experienced organizer. She was 16 years director of the FAVI, the foundation for visually impaired and blind persons of all ages in Aruba. She is flexible, communicative, proactive and enthusiastic, a creative leader, manager, lecturer, team player and researcher.
Field of expertise
She holds a Ph.D. and a MA in public administration and organizational sciences at University Utrecht. She has a bachelor in social work.
FAS / OGM committees
● Chair Faculty Council
● Chair OGM Program Committee
Research interests
In the field of organizing quality in Small Island States, with a focus on wellbeing, inclusion, enhancement of public services, collaboration, and sustainability (geared towards SDG’s goals 3, 4,10, 11, 16, and 17).
Research design and methods
Interpretive, qualitative, making use of in-depth interviewing, focus group sessions, and participant observation.
Teaching certifications
● Currently pursuing: Certificate basic University teaching qualification (BKO)
● Basic Examination Qualification (BKE)
● FAS Minitraining
Vereniging Bestuurskunde (https://www.bestuurskunde.nl/)
Title dissertation
De Droog, A.M.J. (2016) “That day, I stopped driving …” Visually impaired people in Aruba: Self-determination, identity and respect in everyday life, University Utrecht
De Droog, M. (2021) Seeing through their eyes. Providing a more powerful public service for persons with a visual impairment in Aruba. International Journal of Work, Organization and Emotion, Vol. 12. No.2, Published Online: September 1, 2021pp 113-128, https://doi.org/10.1504/IJWOE.2021.117672
Arias, N. , M. de Droog (2021) Effectivity study of PRISMA Aruba. A self-management education program for adults with type 2 diabetes in Aruba, report University Aruba, Aruba Institute for Good Governance and Leadership, see link
Bakker, W.E., M. de Droog, B. Grievink, M. Keuning and M. Olthof (2020) Towards a Kingdom Mobility Program in Higher Education. Proposal for a three-year pilot program in the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Report Universiteit Utrecht
Email : mieke.de.droog@ua.aw
Phone : (297) 526-2200

Nigel John is a researcher and a senior lecturer with over fifteen (15) years’ working experience at a tertiary level scientific environment.
Field of expertise
He holds a Ph.D. in Chemistry at University of the West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago.
FAS / SISSTEM committees
● Vice-chair Faculty Council
● Chair SISSTEM Bachelor Program Committee
Research interests
Chemistry, Bio-Environmental Sciences, Material Engineering and Sustainable Development.
Title dissertation
John, N. (2013). The Development and Optimization of a novel UWI/BP/STRATA Polymer Cracking Reactor to study Depolymerisation of Polystyrenes. Ph.D. Thesis. Trinidad and Tobago: The University of the West Indies.
Semerel, J., John, N., Dehaen, W., Fardim, P. (2023). Valorization of Aloe barbadensis Miller. (Aloe vera) Processing Waste. Journal of Renewable Materials, 11(3), 1031–1061.
Mohammed, C.; Mahabir, S.; Mohammed, K.; John, N.; Lee, K.; Ward, K.; Calcium Alginate Thin Films Derived from Sagassum natans for the selective Adsorption of Cd2+, Cu2+ and Pb2+ ions. Ind.Eng.Chem.Res. 2019, 58(3), 1417 – 1425.
Mohammed, A.; Bissoon, R.; Bajnath, E.; Mohammed, K.; Lee, T.; Bissram, M.; John, N.; Jalsa, N., Lee, K.; Ward, K.; Multistage extraction and purification of waste Sargassum natans to produce sodium alginate: An optimization approach. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2018, 198, 109 – 118.
John, N.; Toney, J.; Mohamed, N.; Maharaj, R. The Use of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy to Determine the Hydrogen Content of Automotive Fuels in Trinidad and Tobago. International Journal of Applied Chemistry. 2014, 10(2), 185 – 195.
Toney, J.; John, N.; Grierson, L.; Chadeesingh, R.; Sustainable Polymer to Olefin Recycling Technology – Reaction Pathways, Proceedings of Tobago Gas Technology Conference, 2007.
Teaching certifications
• Basic Examination Qualification (BKE).
• FAS Assessment Mini-training
Email : nigel.john@ua.aw
Phone : (297) 526-2200

Thaïs Franken is a lecturer in the Faculty of Arts & Science and teaches in both the Social Work & Development (SWD) and Organization, Governance & Management (OGM) bachelor programs. She is an alumna of the OGM program and holds a double Master of Science degree in Public Policy and Human Development from Maastricht University and the United Nations University Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology (UNU-MERIT) with a specialization in “Innovation, Institutions, and Development”.
Besides teaching, she is a researcher for the Aruba Institute of Good Governance & Leadership (*GG&L), an independent, multi-disciplinary, and not-for-profit competence center of the University of Aruba that focuses on research and capacity building activities. Thais is also a PhD candidate and intends to research how formal and informal civil society networks in the social-cultural sector on small island communities, specifically Aruba and Bonaire, impact policy-making processes. In her role of an academic researcher she also represents Aruba as an executive board member for the Caribbean Research Acquisition Forum (CARAF).
Field of expertise
Thaïs’ research and publications focus on the creative industries, cultural development, cultural heritage, civil society networks, public policy, governance, and innovation for sustainable development.
• Ph.D. candidate in governance & civil society networks (current working title is “Unveiling Civil Society Networks in the Caribbean Socio-cultural Ecosystem: A Comparative Case Study on the Complexity of Effective Policy Making on Aruba and Bonaire”)
• MSc. Public Policy & Human Development, specialization: Innovation, Institutions & Development
• BA in Organization, Governance & Management
Research interests
creative industries, cultural development, cultural heritage, civil society networks, public policy, governance, island studies, innovation, and sustainable development.
Research methods
qualitative research, interviews, focus group, mixed method research, Q-methodology, social network analysis, qualitative research analysis, action research.
Teaching certifications
- Basic Examination Qualification (BKE)
- FAS Minitraining
Franken, T (2018) UAUCU Student Research Exchange Collected Papers. The University of Aruba. University College Utrecht.
Franken, T (2018) Placing Culture and Creativity at the Heart of the Aruban Sustainable Development: An Exploratory Research of the Possible Economic, Cultural, and Social Impact of a Creative Industry. The University of Aruba, Faculty of Arts & Science. Oranjestad, Aruba.
Franken, T (2019) The Road Towards an Innovative Aruba: A Q-Analysis on the Synergy Between the Creative Industry and Knowledge Economy as a Driver to Stimulate Socio-Economic Development in Aruba’s Local Innovation System. The University of Maastricht, Maastricht Graduate School of Governance. United Nations University Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation & Technology. Maastricht, The Netherlands.
Franken, T (2021) Het landschap van Nederlands-Caribisch Cultureel Erfgoed. Leiden University Press. ISBN:978-90-8728-356-8
Alofs, L & Franken, T (2021) Op weg naar verduurzaming van impact: Een analyse van noden in Caribisch Nederland en van aangrijpingspunten voor een programmatische aanpak door de Samenwerkende Fondsen Cariben. Aruba Institute for Good Governance & Leadership. University of Aruba.
pending october 2022:
Alofs, L, Bant, J & Franken, T (2022) Het maakt uit waar je bibliotheek staat: Maatschappelijke uitdagingen en een Nederlands Caribische netwerk agenda. Aruba Institute for Good Governance & Leadership. University of Aruba.
Email : thais.franken@ua.aw
Phone : (297) 526-2200

Luciano Milliard holds a master’s degree in law from the University of Maastricht.
After graduation, he worked as a junior lecturer / researcher in constitutional law at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands before joining the Faculty of Law of the University of Aruba in 2002 as lecturer and Vice-Dean. In 2010 he became the founding international officer of the Office of International Affairs of the University of Aruba. After a short stint at the Aruba Department of Foreign Affairs, he returned as Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Science at the University of Aruba.
He currently lecturers constitutional law, philosophy, and policy in the Organization, Governance, and Management (OGM) program.
Field of expertise
Master’s degree in law from the University of Maastricht. Specialization: Constitutional Law
PhD. Candidate: The constitutional position of the Governor
Research interests
constitutional law of the kingdom
Research methods
literature research
Teaching certifications
- Certificate Hospitality Education (CHE) from American Hotel and Lodging Education Institute
- Latin American Scholarship Program of American Universities (LASPAU) from Academic and Professional Programs for the Americas, a nonprofit organization affiliated with Harvard University
- FAS Minitraining
FAS / OGM committees
- Vice-chair Program Advice Committee
- Member OGM Program Committee
Email : luciano.milliard@ua.aw
Phone : (297) 526-2200

Mrs. Yolanda Richardson obtained a degree in Political Science at the University of Leiden in the Netherlands. Mrs. Richardson worked for the Island Territory of St. Maarten and for the National Government of Aruba between 1995 and 2002. She
was involved and responsible for the reorganization of different government services in St. Maarten as well as in Aruba.In 2002 after earning a teaching degree Mrs. Richardson went to work for the Community College (EPI) in Aruba at the department of Health Care and Social Work. She joined the staff of the Faculty of Arts and Science of the University of Aruba in 2010. During her first years at the University, Mrs. Richardson was the coordinator of Professional and Society Practice for the BA programs Social Work and Development and Organization, Governance and Management.
Since Augustus 2014 Yolanda is a full-time faculty member of the Organization, Governance, and Management Program. In her capacity as lecturer Mrs. Richardson took the initiative to take students to conferences and educational excursions in Curaçao and Washington DC. Mrs. Richardson is a trainer in various areas. Yolanda was on the board of the Union of Cultural Organization (UNOCA) for more than 10 years.
In 2008 Mrs. Richardson was on the board of the foundation responsible for the Exposition on the Heritage of Slavery in Aruba. In 2009 she was the curator of the first temporary exposition of the National Archeological Museum Aruba: “Rancho; Nos Bario”. Her research was used for the publication of the information and educational booklet for the exposition. In 2017 Mrs. Richardson also supported the research project that led to the publication of the book Sense of Belonging.
Field of expertise
PhD candidate (current): Navigating identities; Navigating identities in the (post) colonial Dutch Caribbean: multiple island loyalties and sociopolitical identities, the case of migrants of the Dutch Leeward Islands and their descendants in Aruba and Curaçao, 1986-2021
Research interests
focus on research is in this area of identity, migration, representation of
English-speaking Arubans, and in the area of teaching and digitization in education.
Research methods
Qualitative research and action research
Teaching certifications
• Certificate in Education (‘Eerstegraads bevoegdheid’ or PdG)
• Academic learning certificate (ALC)
• Basic Qualification Technology (BKT)
• FAS Minitraining
FAS / OGM committees
- Member OGM Program Committee
Email : yolanda.richardson@ua.aw
Phone : (297) 526-2200

Nurianne achieved her Bachelor degree in Organization, Governance and Management and continued her Master studies in the Netherlands. She studied Public Administration (specialization Health Care). The master program in Public Administration at Twente prepared her in the field of public administration for an (inter) national career in public and private organizations. Nurianne is a lecturer at the Organization, Governance and Management program. In her role as a lecturer at the Organization, Governance and Management program she aims at growing as a researcher. Her biggest interest lies in (mental) health and well-being which she aims at contributing to as a researcher.
Field of expertise
Master Public Administration specialization Health Care University Twente
Research interests and experience
● Qualitative research on diabetes management in Aruba (Bachelor thesis)
● Discourse analysis for diabetes in the Caribbean region (Master thesis)
● Pilot effectivity study (quantitative research) for PRISMA Diabetes Aruba, commissioned by Fundacion Diabetes Aruba
● COVID CAS (Curacao Aruba Sint Maarten)
Research methods
Qualitative research, Focus groups, Interviews
Teaching certifications
• Certificate hospitality education from American Hotel and Lodging Education Institute (CHE)
• FAS Minitraining
Arias, N. , M. de Droog (2021) Effectivity study of PRISMA Aruba. A self-management education program for adults with type 2 diabetes in Aruba, report University Aruba, Aruba Institute for Good Governance and Leadership
Email : nurianne.arias@ua.aw
Phone : (297) 526-2200

Valerie obtained her Master of Arts in English Language Acquisition in 2012 from Leiden University, the Netherlands. She has been working as a lecturer at the University of Aruba since 2012. Valerie teaches General Education courses at the Organization, Governance and Management program and the Social Work and Development program. These courses include Academic Reading and Writing and Writing and Presenting Research Reports.
Valerie is also involved as a co-lecturer and guest lecturer in multiple courses at OGM and SW&D including Research Lab, Professional Society Practice (PSP), Disciplinary Approaches, Quantitative Research (OGM) and Qualitative Research (SW&D). Besides teaching, she is involved in language policy development and serves in various program and faculty committees of the FAS and the UA.
Field of expertise
- Master English at Leiden University – specialization in Language Acquisition
- Research interests
Teaching certifications
● Latin American Scholarship Program of American Universities (LASPAU) from Academic and Professional Programs for the Americas, a nonprofit organization affiliated with Harvard University
● Academic learning certificate (ALC)
● FAS Minitraining
FAS / OGM committee
Member OGM Program Committee
Email : valerie.maduro@ua.aw
Phone : (297) 526-2200

Helmut has a background in Dutch Law (LL.M.) as well as Public Administration / Organizational Science (M.A.). Before he came to work at the University he gained a lot of experience as a Legal Affairs manager in several companies. He has worked at the University of Aruba since 2003, where he started at the Faculty of Law and now has been working at the Faculty FAS since 2010 as both lecturer as well as other managing functions. Helmut has been Dean and Vice Dean of the Law Faculty and for the FAS Faculty he has been part of the exam committee as a member as well as chair and he also functions as a vice president of the Program Committee of the OGM.
Field of expertise
- Phd-Research candidate (current) on the ‘Participation of Christian Organizations to Public Service Provision in the Areas of Welfare and Health Care.’
- Dutch Law (LL.M.)
- Public Administration / Organizational Science (M.A.).
Teaching certifications
- Certificate hospitality education from American Hotel and Lodging Education Institute (CHE)
- Basic Examination Qualification (BKE)
- FAS Minitraining
FAS / OGM committee
OGM Member FAS Exam Committee
Email : helmut.vink@ua.aw
Phone : (297) 526-2200

Since 2016, Dr. Alofs is senior research lecturer at the Faculty of Arts and Science at the University of Aruba and programme coordinator of the Master’s program Governance & Leadership. Alofs is senior researcher at the Aruba Institute for Good Governance & Leadership at the University of Aruba and co-promotor in four University of Aruba based PhD research projects. Dr. Alofs worked at the Instituto Pedagogico Arubano between 1996 and 2016. There, he designed and executed teacher training programs in amongst others multicultural education, project education, Social Studies (2e graads), Religious Studies, (2e graads) and Dutch Language Studies (‘2e graads’)
He co-designed multiple other study programs at the IPA and the University of Curaçao. For the Department of Curriculum Design of the Ministry of Education Aruba he co-wrote various text books and exam sections for secondary education in the field of social studies and history. He is thesis coordinator of the Master’s in Languages program at the University of Curaçao. He was charged with capacity building among teachers and heritage professionals.
Alofs conducted research in Aruba and the Dutch Caribbean since 1985, and has lived permanently on the island since 1990. He is fluent in Dutch, Papiamento, and English. Alofs published around 80 books, articles and (policy) reports, developed exhibitions, gave lectures and read conference papers on a wide variety of topics. As lecturer and educational specialist, he previously worked at the Aruba Teacher Training College, the Department of Curriculum Development, Aruba and the University of Curaçao.
Field of expertise
● Ph.D. in History, University of Leiden (2011); Dissertation title: Alofs, L. (2011) Onderhorigheid en separatisme, koloniaal bestuur en lokale politiek op Aruba, 1816-1955.
● Certificate in Education (‘Eerstegraads bevoegdheid’ of PDG), Instituto Pedagogico Arubano, obtained 1997; Thesis title: Luc Alofs & Martha van Bergen (1997) Multicultureel onderwijs aan het Instituto Pedagogico Arubano.
● Cultural Anthropology at Radboud University Nijmegen (1988). Thesis title: L. Merkies en L.Alofs (1987) ‘Ken ta Arubiano?/Wie is Arubaan?: Sociale integratie en natievorming op Aruba’.
Fields of interest
● Organization, Governance and Management: Small Island (subnational jurisdiction) Studies; Civil society studies; Circular economy; Policy research for sustainability.
● History, Culture, and Anthropology: Early modern Atlantic history, Colonial and postcolonial history in the Dutch Caribbean, Slavery, emancipation and reparations, Social integration, nation building and nation branding, Intangible cultural heritage and Heritage preservation.
● Dutch Caribbean Interinsular Platform Slavery Past.
● Ministerial Working Group ‘Commissie Voortgezet Ouderschap’
● Ministerial Working Group ‘Commissie Bewustmaking Slavernijverleden Aruba’
● Werkgroep Vierlandenoverleg Onderwijs Onderzoek Nederlandse Cariben.
Teaching certifications
● Certificate in Education (‘Eerstegraads bevoegdheid’ of PdG), Instituto Pedagogico Arubano, obtained 1997; Thesis title: Luc Alofs & Martha van Bergen (1997) Multicultureel onderwijs aan het Instituto Pedagogico Arubano.
● FAS Minitraining
Publications (selection)
● Alofs , L. (2023) Aruba versus the rest: The case for separatism and non-sovereignty. In: G. Baldacchino (ed). Mice that Roar: Small States ‘getting the better’ of Large(r) States. Routledge Small State Studies. (in print)
● Stipriaan, A. van, L. Alofs & F. Guadeloupe (eds.) (2023) Cultural Heritage and the Nation: Aruba, Bonaire and Curaçao in Caribbean perspective. Leiden University Press. (in print)
● Alofs, L., m.m.v. Jan Bant en Thais Franken (2022) Het maakt uit waar je bibliotheek staat, Beleidsadvies aangaande kansen en uitdagingen bij de implementatie en de uitbreiding van de werkingssfeer van de Wet stelsel openbare bibliotheekvoorzieningen in het Caribisch deel van het Koninkrijk. (Universiteit van Aruba, Institute for Good Governance and Leadership.
● Alofs, L. (2021) Goddelijk zoals gewoonlijk, werk en leven van Mo Mohamed zoals verteld aan Luc Alofs. Edam, LM Publishers.
● Alofs, L. (2021) Caribisch erfgoed en onderwijs, naar een didactiek voor immaterieel erfgoededucatie in de Nederlandse Cariben. In: G. Oostindie & A. van Stipriaan (eds.) Antilliaans erfgoed #2: Toen en Nu. Leiden University Press.
● Alofs, L, & T. Franken (2021) Op weg naar Verduurzaming van Impact, een analyse van noden in de Nederlandse Cariben en van aangrijpingspunten voor een programmatische aanpak door de Samenwerkende Fondsen Cariben. Universiteit van Aruba, Institute for Good Governance & Leadership.
● Feenstra, B. & L. Alofs (2020) Circular business strategies and supply chain finance in the Aruba waste sector: A case study of a small island jurisdiction. In: Small States & Territories, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2020, pp. 209-228.
● Alofs, L. (2018) Koloniale mythen en Benedenwindse feiten, Curaçao, Aruba en Bonaire in inheems Atlantisch perspectief, ca. 1499-1636. Leiden: Sidestone Press.
● Alofs, L. (2013) Slaven zonder plantage, (kinder-)slavernij en emancipatie op Aruba (tweede herziene en uitgebreide druk). Aruba: Charuba.
● Alofs, L. et al. (2013) ‘Erfgoed en gemeenschap. Advies van de werkgroep Implementatie van het UNESCO Verdrag ter Bescherming van het Immaterieel Cultureel Erfgoed’. Aruba: Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Cultuur.
● Alofs, L. (2013) Onderhorigheid en separatisme, koloniaal bestuur en lokale politiek op Aruba, 1816-1955. Aruba, Charuba, handelseditie proefschrift Universiteit van Leiden.
● Alofs, L. en J. Veneman (2010) ‘Identificatie met het Koninkrijk’. Publieke lezing tijdens symposium Een toekomst voort het Koninkrijk. Sessie: Wederzijdse baten van het Koninkrijk voor Aruba en voor Nederland. Aruba, 29 juni 2010.
● Alofs, L. (2004) The Aruba Heritage Guide: Aruba’s intangible cultural heritage, an inventory. Aruba, UNESCO, National Commission of Aruba.
● Alofs, L. & R. Dijkhoff (eds.) (2003), Proceedings of the XIXth International Congress for Caribbean Archaeology, International Association for Caribbean Archaeology, Aruba, July, 22-28, 2001. Aruba: Publication of the Archaeological Museum Aruba, volume 9.
● Alofs, L. (red.) (2001) Aruba y su Status Aparte, logro di pasado; reto pa futuro / Aruba en de Status Aparte, mijlpaal en uitdaging, 1986-2001. Aruba, Ministerie Algemene Zaken.
● Alofs, L. en L. Merkies (1990) ‘Ken ta Arubiano?: Sociale integratie en natievorming op Aruba’. Leiden: Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, Caribische Afdeling.
Email : luc.alofs@ua.aw
Phone : (297) 526-2217

Prof. Wieger Bakker is a sociologist by training working in governance studies. He have an interest in (higher) education, citizenship, civil society and internationalization in relation to governance. From 2010 to 2018 he was director of the bachelor program of the Utrecht School of Governance and since 2015 he holds a chair in society oriented higher education. In 2018 he was appointed Utrecht University dean for lifelong learning. Building on the existing relation between the School of Governance and the University of Aruba he became involved in the OGM program of the UA. From 2018 on he started working with the UA colleagues on developing the Institute for Good Governance and Leadership and a related new master program.
In 2020 he was appointed extraordinary professor at the UA with a chair in Governance, Community and Cohesion. As a side activity he is deputy director of the Inter University Centre Dubrovnik.
Field of expertise
● Master Sociology / Social Sciences Utrecht University
● PhD. Planning and Policy Making / Governance Studies
● Professorship Governance, Community and Cohesion (Faculty of Arts and Sciences, University of Aruba)
● Professorship: Society Oriented Higher Education (Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance, Utrecht University)
Teaching certifications
- Certificate basic University teaching qualification (BKO)
- Senior Teaching Qualification (SKO)
Research interests
Higher Education Research, University Continuing Education Research, Adaptive Expertise Development, (European) Citizenship
Research methods
Qualitative research, Interviews, Mixed method research
Publications (selection)
- Cendon, E., W. Bakker and TG. Halttunen, ‘Learning for impact in a changing world’, in: European Journal of University Lifelong Learning, eucen Studies, 5(2021)1. https://doi.org/10.53807/0501qh9e Bakker, W.E., ‘Geef prioriteit aan de proeftuin. De vervagende scheidslijn tussen student en professional’, in: Th&ma Tijdschrift voor Hoger Onderwijs, 2021/2, p. 42-47
- Bakker, W.E., M. de Droog, B. Grievink, M. Keuning and M. Olthof (2020) Towards a Kingdom Mobility Program in Higher Education. Proposal for a three-year pilot program in the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Report Universiteit Utrecht
- W.E. Bakker, M. van der Kolk and V. Koska, ‘Empowering for a European civic culture: European Union citizenship education, access to rights and political participation’, in: D. Levi-Faur and Frans van Waarden (eds.), Democratic Empowerment in the European Union, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2018, p. 137-155. Itzél Zuiker, Inneke Lam, Paul
- Adriaanse, Wieger Bakker, Manon Kluijtmans, Jan van Tartwijk, ‘Levenlang leren. Uitgangspunten voor postacademisch onderwijs’, in: Thema 25/2018-1, 36-40.
- W.E. Bakker and M. van der Kolk, ‘The futures of EU citizenship: consequences of different scenarios’, in: Sandra Seubert a.o. (eds.), Moving Beyond Barriers: Prospects for EU Citizenship, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2018, p.
- W.E. Bakker, Opleiden voor de open samenleving. Bevorderen van maatschappelijk verantwoordelijkheidsbesef als educatieve opdracht. Oratie Universiteit Utrecht, 2016,
Email : wieger.bakker@ua.aw
Profile : University of Utrecht

Mirko Noordegraaf defended his PhD at Erasmus University Rotterdam, in 2000. He studied the work and behavior of public managers. After that, he moved to Utrecht, to ‘Bestuurs- en Organisatiewetenschap’, the USBO or USG in English (Utrecht School of Governance), a school/department that was established in 2000. In 2007 he was appointed full professor, namely professor of public management. He still studies public managers, but also public management, reform, professional services, managing professionals, professionalism, and the like. He has published many (international) books and articles.
Between 2012 and 2018 he chaired the board of USBO/USG, since 2018 he is a member of the faculty board, of the REBO faculty (Law, Economics & Governance), as the vice-dean for societal impact. Via USBO/USG he got involved in setting-up and developing the OGM program at the University of Aruba, over the years his involvement grew, and since a few years he is extraordinary professor of Governance and public services at the UA. He is still involved in OGM-related developments, but also in the UA interfaculty institute *GG&L (Institute for Good Governance & Leadership), UA-related developments, and developments on the island and in the region
Field of expertise
● PhD. Public management at Erasmus University Rotterdam
● Professor of public management at USBO (Utrecht School of Governance USG)
Teaching certifications
- Basic Teaching Qualification (BKO)
- Senior Teaching Qualification (SKO)
Research interests
Public management, reform, public managers, leadership, managing professionals, professionalism, public services
Research methods
Qualitative research, Focus groups, Interviews, Participant observation, Mixed method research, Survey’s
Publications (selection)
- Noordegraaf, M. (2022). Maatschappelijke impact maken? Bestuurskunde, 31(2), 67-75.
- Noordegraaf, M. & Dorp, E.J. van (2022). Vernieuwing van vakmanschap. Een kritische analyse van de professionaliseringsactiviteiten van de Algemene Bestuursdienst (ABD). Bestuurskunde, 31(2), 25-34.
- Meurs, T., & Noordegraaf, M. (2022). Adapted agency: How connected (Dutch) police professionals rework their professional capabilities. Journal of Professions and Organization 9(2), 202-215.
- Noordegraaf, M. (2021). Grounded professionalism. Reflections om the contextualiztaion of professional services. Inaugural address, University of Aruba (October 20).
- Noordegraaf, M. & Brock, D. (2021). Protective and connecticve professionalism. What we have learned and what we still would like to learm. Journal of Professions and Organization, 8(2), 228-236.
- Schot, E., Tummers, L., & Noordegraaf, M. (2020). Working on working together. A systematic review on how healthcare professionals contribute to interprofessional collaboration. Journal of interprofessional care, 34(3), 332-342.
- Noordegraaf, M. (2020). Protective or connective professionalism? How connected professionals can (still) act as autonomous and authoritative experts. Journal of Professions and Organization, 7(2), 205-223.
- Noordegraaf, M., Schneider, M., Boselie, P. & van Rensen, E. L. J. (2016). Cultural Complementarity: Reshaping Professional and Organizational Logics in Developing Frontline Medical Leadership. Public Management Review. 18(8), 1111-1137.
- Noordegraaf, M. (2016). Reconfiguring professional work. Changing forms of professionalism in public service provision. Administration and Society, 48(7), 783-810. Noordegraaf, M. (2015). Hybrid professionalism and beyond. Journal of Professions and Organization, 2(2), 198-206.
- Noordegraaf, M., Van Der Steen, M. & Van Twist, M. (2014). Fragmented or connective professionalism? Strategies for professionalizing the work of strategists and other (organizational) professionals. Public Administration. 92 (1), 21-38
- Noordegraaf, M. (2011). Remaking Professionals? How Associations and Professional Education Connect Professionalism and Organizations. Current Sociology, 59(4), 465-488.
- Noordegraaf, M. (2011). Risky Business. How Professionals and Professionals Fields (must) Deal with Organizational Issues. Organization Studies, 32(10), 1349-1371.
- Noordegraaf, M. & Vermeulen, J. (2010) Culture in Action. The ‘Rotterdam approach’ as Modernization through Tradition. Public Administration, 88(2), 513-527.
- Noordegraaf, M. & Schinkel, W. (2010). Professional Capital Contested. A Bourdieusian Analysis of Conflicts between Professionalism and Managers. Comparative Sociology, 10, 97-125.
- Noordegraaf, M. & Meulen, M.J. van der (2008). Professional Power Play. Organizing Management in Health Care. Public Administration, 86(4), 1055-1069.
Email : mirko.noordegraaf@ua.aw
Profile : University of Utrecht
Phone: (297) 526-2200

Zuleika Fernandes Perna-Silva has been teaching and coordinating Papiamento at Colegio Arubano since 2004. In 2015 she received her Master of Education in Papiamento from the University of Curacao in 2015 and in 2016 she joined the University of Aruba as a part-time lecturer in the Faculty of Arts and Science and in the Academic Foundation Year. She is currently completing her study of Master Science of Education at Wayne State College. She has several publications. Her main goal is to promote translanguaging in the Aruban classrooms.
Educational certifications
- 1st degree teaching qualification FEPA
- Master of Education
- “Papiamento at the University of Aruba, a first step: looking back and looking forward” 2019 Caribbean Languages, Literatures, and Cultures volume Curacao/ Puerto Rico 2019
- “Wakiendo, mopiendo, stopiendo, betiendo…: desaroyo of dilemma den Papiamento?” Archaeologies of Erasures and Silences. Recovering othered languages, literatures and cultures in the Ducth Caribbean and beyond. Curacao/Puerto Rico 2017
- “E Arubiano y su escogencia di idioma:’; un dilemma?” Embracing Multiple Identities. Opting out of neocolonial monolingualism, monoculturalism and mono-identification in the Dutch Caribbean. Curacao/ Puerto Rico 2016
- “Purbando di contraaresta un sistema inadecua, adecuadamente:
- Un experiencia cu alfabetisacion inicial”. Envisioning the greater Dutch Caribbean
- Transgressing geographical and disciplinary boundaries. Curacao/Puerto Rico 2015
- “Papiamento como base pa enseñansa di idioma den enseñansa secundario na Aruba; translingualismo den les di idioma”. Envisioning the greater Dutch Caribbean:
- Transgressing geographical and disciplinary boundaries. Curacao/Puerto Rico 2015
Main employment
Papiamento teacher at Colegio Arubano
Email : zuleika.fernandes@ua.aw
Phone : (297) 526-2200

Edward is Head of Operations of Freezone Aruba and teaches part-time in the Faculty for Accounting and Finance as well as the Organization, Governance and Management (OGM) program and Social Work and Development (SWD) program in the Faculty of Arts and Science. Edward also runs his own consulting and training business. Edward has a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and has a master’s degree in Management and Organization Sciences.
Educational certifications
Basic Teaching Qualification (BKO)
(Start january 2023)
Main employment
Head of Operations of Freezone Aruba
Email : edward.erasmus@ua.aw
Phone : (297) 526-2200

My name is Judelca Briceno and I am a Policy-adviser in the Government of Aruba, specialized in Labor Market and (Public) Health. I did my master at the University of Utrecht and have a Master of Science degree in Psychology of Labor, Organization and Health. My special interests are diversity, government, (public) health, organization & management, leadership, and well-being on the work floor. I am a part-time lecturer at the Faculty of Arts and since 2013, where I teach the Module Quantitative Research Methodology, which is being taught in the second year at OGM.
Field of expertise
- Master’s degree in psychology of Labor, Health and Organization with an “aantekening” for Clinical Psychology: Thesis on the topic of Multiculturalism on the work floor.
- Researcher at the Department of Labor and Research (2004-2013) focused especially on the discrepancy of demand and supply on the labor market
- Social Economic Policy advisor at the Department of Labor and Research (2013-2016)
- Human Resource Manager at the APFA (2016-2017)
- Senior advisor of the Minister of Tourism and Public Health from 2018-now.
- Part time lecturer at the UA from 2013 till now
Teaching certifications
- Test and Assessment in Higher Education (Toets en Beoordeling in het hoger Onderwijs (TOBO))
- Didactic Design in Higher Education (Didactisch Ontwerp in Hoger Onderwijs (DOHO))
- FAS Minitraining
Research interests
Public Health, Social, Labor market, Organizational Management, Human Resources
Research methods
Quantitative research, Survey’s
Main employment
Government of Aruba, policy advisor on Public Health
Email : judelca.briceno@ua.aw

Christie Mettes is a lecturer at the University of Aruba, she lectures “Introduction to Environmental Science” at FHTMS and “Small Island Developing States” (SIDS) at OGM. Her passion in environmental science and open source technology. Outside of the University she leads Metabolic Foundation in Aruba, through which she co-founded Brenchie’s Lab and Plastic Beach Party and developed the Mo-B Lab program in Aruba.
She led the circular economy team in Aruba’s 2020 Master Plan and sits on the board of the Sociaal Economische Raad (SER) as an independent board member (2020-2023). As a professional Christie is also affiliated to Metabolic in Amsterdam, and part of the Fab Lab Network. She’s worked on open-source replicable interventions for the transition towards more sustainable communities.
Teaching certifications
Certificate hospitality education from American Hotel and Lodging Education Institute (CHE)
Main employment
Project coordinator of Metabolic Foundation
Email : chrissie.mettes@ua.aw

Dr. Gregory Richardson, is a cultural anthropologist and educator with over 15 years of teaching, research and policy development experience in the field of culture, music, language, history, ethnicity, identity and education. One of his main research approaches is ethnographic research. His research has culminated in 3 book publications, numerous book chapters and other projects. He also has an enormous interest in expressions emanating from urban spaces such as Caribbean style carnivals, dance, rap and hip-hop culture, dancehall reggae, soca, Latin Caribbean music, Afro beats, youth culture, creole languages and urban slang.
Field of expertise
- PhD in Cultural Anthropology Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (2020)
- Dissertation: An ethnographic study of Calypso music on Aruba and experiences of jouissance (Breakaway)
- MSc Latin American and Caribbean studies: Universiteit van Utrecht (2007)
- Thesis: Research was carried out in Trinidad with a focus on music (calypso, soca, chutney) in relation to ethnicity.
- Premaster Cultural Anthropology and N.W Sociology: Universiteit van Utrecht (2005)
- B.Ed in History: Hogeschool van Utrecht (2004)
Teaching certifications
- Teaching degree for History and Polity (2de graads lerarenopleiding Geschiedenis en Staatsinrichting)
- Latin American Scholarship Program of American Universities (LASPAU) from Academic and Professional Programs for the Americas, a nonprofit organization affiliated with Harvard University
Main employment
Instituto Pedagogico Arubano Aruba (2009- present)
Teacher trainer, lecturer, coordinator, educational researcher and student supervisor
● Sibling Voices of Sunrise City; A collection of poems, lyrics, papers and essays about the Aruban town of San Nicolas: UNOCA, Aruba (2012)
● Calypso and resistance in Aruba: PBCC (2015) https://www.academia.edu/28224980/Calypso_and_Resistance_in_Aruba_Selected_Speeches_and_Conference_Proceedings_2010_2013
● A Sweet Breakaway: An ethnographic study of Aruban Calypso Music and the Narratives of the One Happy Island (VU dissertation-2020) https://research.vu.nl/en/publications/sweet-breakaway-an-ethnographic-study-of-aruban-calypso-music-and
Relevant articles and book chapters
● Rhythmic Importation, Linguistic Adaptation and Integration in Aruban Music: An analysis of Calypso and Soca’s place and development in Aruban society. Published in Languages and Cultures of the ABC islands. Edited by Prof Faraclas and published by UNA/FPI (2010)
● Perspectives on Caribbean studies in the Dutch Kingdom: published in Languages and Cultures of the ABC Islands Edited by Prof Faraclas and published by UNA/FPI (2012)
● Mele-calypso: using the petit narratives of gossip to artfully deconstruct grand narratives in Aruba in Creole Connections in Transgressing Neocolonial Boundaries in the Languages, Literatures and Cultures of the ABC-Islands and the Rest of the Dutch Caribbean Proceedings of the ECICC, Aruba. Edited by Prof Faraclas and published by UNA/FPI (2013)
● Calypso music and the critical reflection of the Self in Aruba and Trinidad in Languages and Cultures of the ABC Islands Researching the Rhizome Edited by Prof Faraclas and published by UNA/FPI (2013)
● Calypso Music, Globalization and Plurilingualism in the Dutch Caribbean in Language and Culture on the Margins edited by Sjaak Kroon and Jos Swanenberg (2018)
● Antilliaans carnival in viervoud in collaboration with Rose Mary Allen in Antilliaans Erfgoed edited by Gert Oostindie and Alex van Stipriaan (2021)
● Sweet Breakaway Where Equality and Liberty Meet on Aruba in Equaliberty in the Dutch Caribbean. Edited by Yvon van der Pijl and Francio Guadeloupe (2021)
● Entries in the Dictionary of Caribbean and Afro-Latin American Biography. Edited by Henry Louis Gates, Jr. and Franklin W. Knight (Johns Hopkins) and Steven J. Niven (2016)
– Farrell, Roberto (Bobby) Alfonso Aruban entertainer and singer of the 70/80s Disco Group Boney M
– Betico Croes Aruban politician
– Boy Ecury Aruban Resistance Fighter during WWII
Media contribution
- Ze maakten muziek om kritiek te uiten op de elite https://www.nporadio1.nl/fragmenten/focus/8c23310a-81e6-454d-9e07-e9b2949d4193/2019-04-24-ze-maakten-muziek-om-kritiek-te-uiten-op-de-elite
- Calypso in tijden van corona https://www.nporadio1.nl/fragmenten/focus/0fcd10fd-0f14-4566-b106-6e1a83f435b0/2020-04-08-calypso-in-tijden-van-corona
- Hoe Calypso het volk een stem geeft https://www.nporadio1.nl/fragmenten/focus/fe438a9b-5897-484e-9fd5-8c29b13635b8/2020-02-25-hoe-calypso-het-volk-een-stem-geeft
Email : gregory.richardson@ua.aw

Kareline achieved her Bachelor degree in Business Administration at the University of Curacao and continued with her Master studies in the Netherlands at the University of Tilburg, where she achieved her Masters in Strategic Management and later a Research Master in Strategy, and Organization.
Kareline is the Research Lecturer in the Academic Foundation Year Program at the University of Aruba where she teaches research foundation, methodology and reporting to first year university students. In addition, Kareline is a lecturer at the Organization, Governance and Management program teaching Strategic Management.
Kareline has a passion for data-driven decision making and as a business researcher and strategist and has worked in the business advisory, finance, and tourism industry, at reputable private and semi-private organizations such as PwC Aruba, Centrale Bank van Aruba and Aruba Tourism Authority. Using research Kareline helps organizations become more research and data savvy, and equip them for better decision making. Kareline’s research interest lies mostly in change management, innovation, external organization trend analysis, and internal organizational developments with a special focus on employee (and student) motivation.
Teaching certifications
- Certificate hospitality education from American Hotel and Lodging Education Institute (CHE)
- FAS minitraining
Main employment
Business researcher and strategist
Email : kareline.vanderlinden@ua.aw

Jacques achieved his Pedagogy degree at the Rijks Universiteit Groningen, Netherlands in 1986. Since then he worked alternately in Human Resources, Sales management and Project Management jobs. Mostly in the life insurance and pension business, but also five years as Human Resources Manager at WEB Aruba, the local utility company. He has international experience working for ING in Spain and within ING as well as business consultant in Poland and Taiwan.
At the moment he is Managing Director Guardian Aruba. At the University of Aruba he is part time lecturer at the Organization, Governance and Management program where he teaches Human Resources Management.
He is most focused on deal making, bringing people together in mutually beneficiary deals for all parties involved; an area where sales and human resources meet. Content wise he is within the HR-field interested in pension, salary, reward and incentive systems.
Teaching certifications
- Didactic Design in Higher Education (Didactisch Ontwerp in Hoger Onderwijs (DOHO))
Email : jacques.vanderscheer@ua.aw

Deborah holds a master’s in science from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands in Policy, Communication and Organization and a Bachelor’s degree in International Facility Management at the Hanze Hogeschool Groningen, Netherlands.
Currently, she is the coordinator of the Center for Lifelong Learning at the University of Aruba (since 2011), where she offers continuous professional development and personal enrichment possibilities to the private and public sector, the Aruban community and internationally. She embraces the true meaning of lifelong learning and enables growth by sharing her knowledge and experience as a part-time lecturer at the Organization, Governance, and Management program where she teaches Organizational Communication.
In addition to her management and teaching skills, she has almost 10 years of extensive experience across the nonprofit sector in (executive) board member positions.
Field of expertise
Master Beleid Communicatie en Organisatie – Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Thesis: Diversity and Inclusion in Social Networks of ethnic and minorities groups
Deborah’s area of expertise lies in strategy and policy, change management, organizational behavior, communication, and social networks with a focus on ethnicity and gender in relation to organizational diversity and social inclusion. She has a multidisciplinary perspective on organizations.
Research interests
Master thesis entitled E-minor: focused on the difference in social networks of Ethnic Minorities and Majorities within an organization on Aruba. Her ambition is to pursue her Ph.D. on the topic of social networks and its impact on minority groups
Research methods
quantitative research, interviews, social network analysis
Main employment
Coordinator Center for Lifelong Learning at University of Aruba
Email : deborah.alexander@ua.aw

Julisa Jones is a part-time lecturer in the Faculty of Arts & Science. She teaches in the Organization Governance & Management (OGM) and Social Work and Development bachelor programs. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Psychology, a Master of Science in Social & Organizational Psychology (cum laude), and a Master of Science in Clinical Psychology from the University of Leiden. After graduating, she studied Sports Psychology at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam.
Julisa worked for many years as a Sports Psychologist for the Aruban Olympic Committee and is now transitioning into private practice. In her time at the Aruban Olympic Committee, Julisa also worked in the department of Sports Development, where she worked on developing Sports Organizations in Aruba. Julisa developed, designed, and did the research for Shoco Wellness. Shoco Wellness is an infrastructure of mental health and well-being services created to help students succeed and flourish in their pursuit of higher education. Julisa currently consults on Shoco Wellness research when needed.
Field of expertise and interest
Performance, group dynamics, leadership, teamwork, interpersonal communication, resilience, mental health & well-being, diversity, prejudice and discrimination, identity, and organizational psychology.
Research methods
Quantitative research, experimental research, surveys, case studies, and content analysis.
Teaching certifications
Julisa is currently doing Toetsen en Beoordelen in het Hoger Onderwijs (TOBO), which is part of the Professionaliseringsprogramma Gastdocenten (GAP).
Jones, J. (2007). De rol van sociale beïnvloeding op de perceptie van subtiele vormen van vooroordelen en discriminatie. Leiden University, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, The Netherlands.
Jones, J. (2008). Regulatory focus and the effect of hiding a stigma on behavior during social interaction. Leiden University, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, The Netherlands.
Jones, J. (2011). Construct validation of the attentional scales of Nideffer’s Test of Attentional and Interpersonal Style. Leiden University, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, The Netherlands.
Moormann, P. P., Bermond, B., Jones, J., Baader, C., & ten Voorde, H. (2018). Evidence for the validity of the TAIS attentional dimensions from the perspective of alexithymia types and the big five model. In R. J. Teixeira, B. Bermond, & P. P. Moormann (Eds.), Current developments in alexithymia: A cognitive and affective deficit (pp. 261–288). Nova Science Publishers.
Jones, J. & Chieuw, J. (2018). Research Brief: University of Aruba Student Health and Well-being 2018. Shoco Wellness, University of Aruba.
Email : julisa.jones@ua.aw

Nadia is an interdisciplinary scholar (sociologist, communication scientist, and digital media scholar) at the University of Aruba at the Faculty of Arts and Science (FAS). She is finalizing her Ph.D. research at the University of Amsterdam at the ‘Amsterdam School of Cultural Analysis’ (ASCA) and ‘Digital Methods Initiative’ (DMI). She loves to experiment with creative methodologies for the study of the immanence of Caribbean everyday lives, and to creatively co-create grassroots archives countering colonial ones. As a Caribbean (eco-)feminist, She is committed to creativity, and interdisciplinarity as life-giving modes for be(com)ings and decolonization.
Field of expertise
PhD. Candidate: Caribbean Studies, Social Network Analysis, Sociology, Digital Methods, Cultural Analysis. Thesis title: Politics on Facebook: Networks, Issues, Habituations and Affects (University of Amsterdam)
Master Sociology: Policy and Consultation. (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen)
Specialties: Sociology, Creative Methodologies, Politics & Public Issues Analysis, Social Network Analysis, Data Mapping, Digital Methods and Culture, Affects studies, Communication Sciences, Caribbean (Eco) Feminism, New Materialist Feminist Theories, Post-Anthropocene, Policy Design & Evaluation. Arts-based methodologies: autoethnography, collages and zines.
Research interests
Cultural Analysis. Caribbean Studies and Methodologies. Decolonization Cartographies. Digital Methods. Feminist Praxis, Methods & Epistemologies. Affect Studies. Creative and Arts-based Methodologies. Creative Authoethnography as Decolonization Praxis.
Research methods
Quantitative research, Qualitative research, Focus groups, Interviews, Participant observation, Action research, Mixed method research, Social Network analysis, Qualitative Network Analysis, Survey’s, Arts-based Methodologies, Post-Qualitative, Social Cartography
Teaching certifications
Julisa is currently doing Toetsen en Beoordelen in het Hoger Onderwijs (TOBO), which is part of the Professionaliseringsprogramma Gastdocenten (GAP).
– Dissertation book (in-the-making): Politics on Facebook: Networks, Issues, Habituations and Affects
– Contributed to ‘Chapter 7. Integrating the arts with collaboration and co-productions’. In: Questions in Qualitative Social Justice Research in Multicultural Contexts. Anna CohenMiller and Nettie Boivin. Routledge (2022)
– Book Review of Undrowned. Black Feminist Lessons from Marine Mammals. in: Feminst Pedagogy (in publishing process)
– Between Shores. in: Aquatic Encounters: Hydrofeminism. (in publishing process)
Teaching certifications
Basic Teaching Qualification (BKO)
Email : nadia.dresscher@ua.aw

Daniel finished Sociaal Pedagogische Hulpverlening at the Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen in 2005. In addition, he specialized in debt management at Learncare.
From 2005 to 2011 he worked at the Department of Social Affairs in Aruba were he first created the debt Assistance Section, implemented financial community education and established Stichting Balansa Nobo. From 2008, he fulfilled a management position at the same department, managing 24 employees, coordinating the development and full implementation of all programs and projects in the context of social work, youth care, youth work, community work and welfare work.
Since 2011, he functions as director of CEDE ARUBA, a local funding and development agency where he is responsible to develop strategic plans and grant programs with local and international partners such as Samenwerkende Fondsen Cariben and European Union Programs. In addition, he works on capacity building, advocacy, networking of NGO’s and the execution of different community and volunteer projects.
In his free time, he likes to read, hike, sport and compose music.
Field of expertise
Master of Business Administration University of Aruba specialized in debt management at Learncare
Sociaal Pedagogische Hulpverlening at the Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen in 2005
Research interests
Social Development, Neighborhood needs assessments, Evaluation of community programs and interventions
Research methods
Quantitative research, Qualitative research, Focus groups, Interviews, Survey’s
Main employment
Director of CEDE ARUBA
Understanding Predictors of U.S. Visitors’ Intentions to Donate Money to Aruba’s Visitor Charity Program or Charities in Aruba (October 2020)
Email : daniel.tecklenborg@ua.aw

Birgit Kreykenbohm is a PhD candidate in Communication, Media- and Journalism-studies at the Institute for Media-studies at the KU Leuven in Belgium. Her research focuses on media and journalism in democracies, with a special interest in their role in small island developing states. Birgit holds master’s degrees in Communication Science and German Studies from the Radboud University of Nijmegen. After internships in Germany and South-Africa, she worked as a policy-officer for different municipalities in the Netherlands. Since her migration in 2002 to Aruba, she works as a policy advisor for the Department of Education, while also lecturing at the University of Aruba on topics like (organizational) communication, research, and academic writing at the University of Aruba.
Birgit functioned as the media-expert for the Comision Bon Boluntad, a committee monitoring political parties and the media during the 2009 and 2013 Aruban election-campaigns and elections. In 2017 she co-organized the UNESCO Media Pressure Cooker Marathon to assess media development in Aruba. This successful three day training event brought together (inter)national journalists, academics, and young talents. Birgit also owns a Consultancy in Communication and Media Research.
Field of expertise
Ph.D. candidate in Communication, Media- and Journalism Studies. Title: Media Representations of Kingdom relations in Aruban, Curaçaoan and Dutch Newspapers, 2005-2011
Research interests
communication, media, journalism, leadership, educational policies, non-formal education, cultural anthropology, and sustainable agriculture (syntropic)
Research methods
Quantitative research, Qualitative research, Focus groups, Interviews, Action research, Mixed method research, Survey’s, Content and Frame-analysis
Main employment
Policy Advisor at the Department of Education
Email : birgit.kreykenbohm@ua.aw

In 2009 Menno attained a master’s degree in International Business at the Universidad Camilo José Cela in Madrid, Spain.
For the past 13 years Menno has worked in revenue management modernization. In those years he has visited over 35 tax administrations worldwide. Menno witnessed how tax administration performance can prosper when tax officials are empowered with the right digital tools. Menno participated in numerous large-scale Information Technology projects and likes to share best practices observed in both the private and the public sector.
Menno is a regular public speaker, addressing conference audiences in 5 continents in recent years.
Sports has always been a big part of Menno’s life. As an active athlete, as a board member or as a spectator. Lecturing at the University of Aruba is a very rewarding activity for Menno as he genuinely enjoys interacting with the students and guiding them where possible.
Field of expertise
Master of International Business
Research interests
Fiscal Sustainability, Public Finance, Tax Reform
Research methods
Qualitative research, Focus groups, Interviews, Participant observation, Survey’s
Main employment
Sr. Manager Business Development for BearingPoint Caribbean
Email : menno.vinck@ua.aw

Ruben Goedhoop is currently liaison for the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Kingdom Relations of the Netherlands. Prior to that Mr. Goedhoop was CO of the AZV (national health insurer) and before that he was leading the Advisory Practice of PwC Dutch Caribbean. Mr. Goedhoop is also author of the book Challenging Leadership and is a part time lecturer at the university for the Strategic Management Class.
Field of expertise
Hogeschool Economische Studies Rotterdam
Research interests
Leadership, strategic management, governance
Research methods
Qualitative research, Focus groups, Interviews
-Challenging Leadership, Ruben Goedhoop (2018)
Main employment
Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations
Email : ruben.goedhoop@ua.aw

The academic journey of Tyson Lopez started with attaining his bachelor diploma in Organization Governance and Management at University of Aruba in 2014, after this Tyson started to work as a Policy Officer for the Prime Minister of Aruba. In 2015 Tyson decided to pursue the master International Development Studies at Utrecht University, which he completed successfully. After returning to the island Tyson returned to his previous employment. For a moment Tyson worked for the Office of European Union and Kingdoms Relations as a Policy Analyst. Tyson was approached afterwards to become the Program Manager at Aruba Excellence Foundation which is the management organization for the Aruba Certification Program, an educational program for the hospitality industry. Currently, Tyson is employed at the Aruba National Park Foundation which is a conservation management organization for the terrestrial and marine protected areas of Aruba as the Sales, Sustainability, and Recreation Manager.
Field of expertise
Master International Development Studies, Utrecht University
Research interests
Sustainability, Tourism, Management, Strategy
Main employment
Aruba National Park Foundation
Email : tyson.lopez@ua.aw

After studying General Social Sciences at Utrecht University (specialization employment, management and organization), she broadened herself with a post-bachelor course in Business Administration and Management. She started to work at the Hogeschool Utrecht as a team manager and project leader.
After that she consciously looked for more educational depth. Marieke first found this at Schouten & Nelissen ISBW, where she worked as a senior program manager/business development manager and was allowed to set up a new didactics for all ISBW programs. She skilled herself in educational sciences through various (master) courses. She then worked at ICM as a program manager and was able to continue designing a bachelor’s degree in business administration and setting up a new university of applied sciences. Great experiences, which gave her the wings to set up her own company in 2011. Ever since, Marieke has worked as an independent educational designer and project leader for bachelors and masters. She for example set up the Master leiderschap in onderwijs, and advised at several universities of applied sciences such as Christelijke Hogeschool Ede, Hogeschool van Amsterdam and Inholland. Marieke is a secretary of NVAO-panels since 2012, and was part of several Exam committees as external assessment specialist.

Kiki de Jong is the project administrator at the Faculty of Arts & Science for both the Social Work & Development (SWD) and Organization, Governance & Management (OGM) bachelor programs. She studied Biology at the University of Utrecht and holds a Master of Science degree in Health Sciences with a specialization in International Public Health from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. She did an internship at the World Health Organization at the department of Pharmacy.
Kiki has worked in the Netherlands as a medical writer for a government organization (CBG-MEB) and as a policy advisor for a federation of patient organizations (Patienten Federatie). In Aruba she has worked as a policy advisor for the government and as a project advisor for the national insurance organization (UO AZV). In both her former and current employment the main objectives are accuracy, quality and organization.
Field of expertise and interests
health & well-being, education, internationalization and governance & organization.
Research methods
Quantitative research, Survey’s
Email : kiki.dejong@ua.aw

Roan Peterson is the Student Assistant at the Organization, Governance, and Management
(OGM) program in the Faculty of Arts & Science (FAS), University of Aruba.
He is currently in his first year as a student at OGM developing his skills and knowledge. His task as Student Assistant involves assisting with administrative tasks regarding the quality development trajectory of the OGM, assisting in (commissioned) research, and assisting in the organizing of events. The overall objective of Student Assistant is to promote students’ leadership, management, and research skills. He is a creative, adaptable, and confident student assistant.
Field of expertise and experience
University of Aruba Library Assistant, SDG Young Voices Program ‘20-21.
President of the Key Club Colegio Arubano ‘20-21.
Class Representative ‘21. Experienced working in the restaurant industry. Overall leadership, management, and organizational skills.
Email : student.assistant@ua.aw

Dr. Kailas Malwade is a researcher and environmental engineer with professional experience of eight years with government agencies in India and the US. He earned his Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering from Texas A&M University Kingsville in August 2017. His current research is focused on the numerical modeling of a solar food dryer and thermal energy storage system. In the past, he worked in the field of air and wastewater pollution and carried out research on aqueous-phase and gas-phase adsorption of single and multicomponent contaminants using carbon-based adsorbents.

Dr. Violeta Lopez is a marine biologist and a researcher. Her background studies started with the analyses of morphological characters of different seastars of the genus Asterina. Her current research studies, in population genetics, include developing microsatellites and gene fragments of several marine species as mollusks and corals. Studying gene flow, phylogenetic relationships, genetic structure in order to know connectivity among populations. She has a longstanding interest in population genomics of marine invertebrate and her PhD project entitled “Genetic structure and connectivity in coastal marine invertebrates” was focused on the study of Seascape genetics with different marine species.
Currently she is a postdoctoral researcher affiliated with the University of Aruba and KU Leuven (Belgium) working at the SISSTEM program with the project “ Population Structure and Genetic Connectivity of Scleractinian Corals in the Southern Caribbean Sea”.
Field of expertise
Microsatellites, Population Genetics, Genetic Diversity, Conservation Genetics, Microsatellite Genotyping, Biodiversity, DNA Barcoding, Development Of Molecular Markers, Genetic Analysis, Seascape Genetics

Email : clementia.eugene@ua.aw
Phone : (297) 526-2200

Eric Mijts is a researcher, educator and manager at the University of Aruba with a keen interest in program design for sustainable development in small island states. He is co-founder and coordinator of the Sustainable Island Solutions through Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (SISSTEM) project cluster.
He is co-founder and coordinator of the Academic Foundation Year and facilitates and initiates international students research exchange programs. As a researcher Eric is also affiliated to the University of Antwerp and Ghent University and is an active partner in the Global Resilience Research Network, in the United Nations Sustainable Development Network and in the Metabolism of Islands think tank. His research and publications focus on multilingualism, language policy and planning, education for sustainable development and inclusion/exclusion processes.
Field of expertise
Eric’s research and publications focus on multilingualism, language policy and planning, education for sustainable development and inclusion/exclusion processes.
Email : eric.mijts@ua.aw
Phone : (297) 526-2200

Email : nicole.hart@ua.aw
Phone : (297) 526-2200

Email : kimberley.wever@ua.aw
Phone : (297) 526-2200

Email : sacha.geerman@ua.aw
Phone : (297) 526-2200

Email : giovanni.ridderstaat@ua.aw
Phone : (297) 526-2200

Email : john.khodabux@ua.aw
Phone : (297) 526-2200

Email : eduard.dresscher@ua.aw
Phone : (297) 526-2200

Alba is a researcher conducting her PhD at the University of Aruba, in collaboration with KU Leuven University (BE) within the SISSTEM program. Her project emphasizes the need for applicable solution in the island context, and focusing on citizen science and plastic pollution, she aims to involve the Aruban community in a collaborative process to reduce contamination. At the SISSTEM bachelor program, she teaches about environmental science and energy audits, motivating the students to solve local sustainability challenges.
Alba holds a MSc on Environmental Technology by Wageningen University (NL) and a bachelor on Environmental Science by the Basque Country University (SP). She has experience working for the private and public sector supporting sustainable development roadmaps on Small Island States.
Field of expertise
Waste management, citizen science, circular economy, microalgae, wastewater, and environmental technologies.
Email : Alba.deagustin@ua.aw
Phone : (297) 526-2200

Amber van Veghel is a professional in the field of food and sustainability, with a holistic view on sustainable food systems. She has a BSc and MSc degree in Food Technology from Wageningen University, where she specialized in sustainable food process engineering. Her work is based on a curiosity of how (Which food? Why? When? How?) food reaches our plates, and the interactions with nature, social structures, and our economy.
In her PhD research Amber focuses on quantifying the environmental impact of small island’s food chains, using life cycle analysis (LCA) as a method to calculate for example carbon footprint, water footprint or land use of food products. Amber also enjoys supervising and teaching students on any food and sustainability related topics, as well as giving lectures on this topic.
Field of expertise
food and sustainability, life cycle analysis, food technology, public speaking
Email : Amber.vanveghel@ua.aw
Phone : (297) 526-2200

Colleen is a junior researcher at the University of Aruba. At present, she contributes to two courses within the SISSTEM programme: Fundamentals of Geosciences and Sustainable Energy Production. Colleen is a doctoral candidate at KU Leuven within the Chemistry for Energy and Materials Recovery in Thermal Systems (ChEMaRTS) research group. Her academic interests focus on the development of sustainable municipal solid waste management systems in the context of small island states.
Field of expertise
Waste-to-energy technology, life cycle assessment, material flow analysis, waste valorisation, circular economy and renewable energy policy.
Email : colleen.weekes@ua.aw
Phone : (297) 526-2200

Diego is currently a Doctoral candidate at the KU Leuven and researcher in the University of Aruba. His research is focused on “Valorization of Reverse Osmosis Brines”, in essence looking at the economic value that the brine left over from the desalination process with a specific focus on the value for small islands dependent on desalination systems. Diego holds a BSc degree in Mechanical Engineering (magna cum laude) from the University of Florida and a MSc degree in Sustainable Energy Technologies from TU Delft (The Netherlands). He has previously worked on the development of innovative technological solutions related to marine energy, district cooling networks, potable water generation, and marine-based floating solar PV electricity generation. Some highlights of his work include being founder of Eneda Engineering Services VBA, an Engineering Consultancy firm focused on Renewable Energy and Circular Economy with a special focus on Marine and Island solutions; and being co-founder of Bluerise BV, now part of Allseas Engineering BV, working on Ocean Thermal Energy Technology development.
Field of expertise
Valorization strategies. Technology assessment. Separation technology. Sustainable Energy on island nations. Industrial ecological systems with multiple-input and multiple-outs. Strategies towards development of a circular economy in the Dutch Caribbean and broader Caribbean. Entrepreneurship.
Email : diego.acevedo@ua.aw
Phone : (297) 526-2200

Francielle Laclé is a junior researcher and lecturer at the University of Aruba. She is currently conducting her PhD in a sandwich program between the University of Aruba and the KU Leuven, Belgium. Her PhD is on social innovation and just resilience in the governance of marine and terrestrial ecosystems in small island social-ecological systems. At the University of Aruba she has prior experience as a lecturer for the course environmental science within the Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism Management Studies (FHTMS), the course Small Island Developing States within the Faculty of Arts and Science program Organization, Governance and Management (FAS-OGM) and is currently a lecturer for the courses Principles of Sustainability as well as Environmental Law and Policy within the Sustainable Island Solutions through Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (SISSTEM) program. Her research has been focused in the fields of environmental sociology, human geography, environmental economics and sustainability science.
Email : francielle.lacle@ua.aw
Phone : (297) 526-2200

Francis is a junior researcher at the University of Aruba and a doctoral student at the Catholic University of Leuven. He has a Master’s degree in Computer Science and a Bachelor’s degree in Information and Communications Technology. His passions are sustainability science, artificial intelligence, and computational teaching. He further believes that science and education are our best tools for helping us face the greatest challenges of our time.
His doctoral research lies at the cross-section between health, machine learning, and digital signal processing. The greater aim is to support the elderly on islands such as Aruba to live longer, independently, and with a good quality of life. This involves identifying specific roles that technology can play in personalized care services and prototyping novel or innovative ideas.
Email : Francis.lacle@ua.aw
Phone : (297) 526-2200

Jeltzlin is a junior lecturer and researcher at the University of Aruba. She has a bachelors degree in Molecular Life Sciences with a minor in Bio-nanotechnology from Wageningen University. She also has a masters degree in Biotechnology specializing in Process and Marine biotechnology. She is currently pursuing ways to valorize Aloe vera waste to produce value-added products for applications in fuels, chemicals, cosmetics and medicine.
Email : jeltzlin.semerel@ua.aw
Phone : (297) 526-2200

Kryss Facun currently works at the University of Aruba as a Junior Researcher of SISSTEM. She analyzes the feasibility of an indoor vertical farm and the use of LED technology to grow strawberries on Aruba. Previously Kryss was the Research & Development Liaison Manager for the Micro-Algae Project at Refineria di Aruba (RdA), where she did a feasibility study on the possibility of cultivating spirulina and reported her findings. Kryss has attained a Master’s degree in Environmental Sciences at the University of Utrecht, where she worked in the laboratory on susceptibility of Arabidopsis on biotrophic pathogen as well as enzymatic assays on thermophilic fungi at the CBS-KNAW. In addition, she did volunteer work and became part of the staff at RotterZwam, a company that grows grey oyster mushrooms on coffee waste. This engendered her keenness to sustainability.
Email : kryss.facun@ua.aw
Phone : (297) 526-2200

Sharona Jurgens is a junior lecturer at the University of Aruba and simultaneously a doctoral student at the Catholic University Leuven (KU Leuven). She has a background in Earth Sciences. Her doctoral research is titled “Spatial analysis of Urban Metabolism in Small Island States” and is focused on the interaction between society, nature, and the economy.
Field of expertise
Chemical Analysis, Green Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Polymer Pyrolysis, Thermodynamics and Reaction Kinetics.
Email : Sharona.jurgens@ua.aw
Phone : (297) 526-2200
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