Faculty of Law

About our faculty
Established in 1988, the Faculty of Law (FdR) was the first faculty to offer its services at the University of Aruba. Since its establishment, more than 200 students have obtained their Master’s Degree in Aruban Law. A great number of these graduates have found employment in Aruba, while others have pursued further specialization in the Netherlands.
The Faculty of Law of the University of Aruba aims to provide Aruba with well-trained and highly qualified professionals in the area of Aruban law.
Academic programs
The Faculty of Law provides academic education and training for a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree in Aruban law. In contrast to law studies at large universities in the Netherlands, the Faculty of Law at UA offers small classes with personal attention for each student. The undergraduate program (Bachelor) is a three-year program, while the Master program is one year, with the possibility to specialize in two different profiles: Legal practice and; International Law, Regulation and Governance.
Study Resources and Downloads
For all downloads, including study guides, schedules, book lists and more, please use the button below.
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The Faculty of Law of the University of Aruba conducts research and delivers services that benefit the Aruban society as a whole and the legal professional community in particular. The Faculty of Law conducts applied and scientific research in all legal fields. The faculty has its own research program, entitled ‘Rights, freedoms and principles of law in the Aruban context’. More detailed information about the research program can be found in our research repository
Faculty members publish their research findings in books and publications series like the SNAAR series. Next to that, they also publish in legal periodicals like the ‘Caribisch Juristenblad (CJB)’ and the ‘Nederlandse Juristen Blad (NJB)’. Students of the faculty are being encouraged to participate in research projects of the faculty members and do research of their own, for example when writing their thesis.
For more information about the faculty’s research and social services, please contact dean-of-law@ua.aw.

Research Program 2024-2029
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International opportunities
Students can complete part of the bachelor’s degree or master’s by following courses abroad.
The Faculty of Law collaborates with a number of foreign universities to organize exchange programs based on the Erasmus+ mobility program and other non-Erasmus exchange.
If you don’t study in Aruba but wish to take courses at the UA Faculty of Law, you might be eligible to do an exchange program at our university.
Contact the Office of International Affairs for more information
Vision and mission
The Faculty of Law of the University of Aruba focuses on high-quality education, research, and social services. In doing so, it makes use of the advantages that Aruba has to offer, namely its small-scale, multilingualism, geographical location, and history. The Faculty of Law highly values academic freedom and scientific integrity and promotes an education and research culture with a passion for science. Hereby she strives for the scientific and personal development of students and teachers. The Faculty of Law fulfills an indispensable function within Aruba as a knowledge institute in the field of law for the Aruban society. She is an important partner to the Aruban government, legal practice, and business. The faculty guarantees to be and to offer an independent platform for discussion about law and social issues in an atmosphere of social involvement. She considers herself an equal partner to foreign legal faculties and research centers that strive for high-quality legal scientific education and research.
The UA Faculty of Law wants foremost to provide Aruban residents and Arubans abroad the opportunity to study in Aruba. The faculty has great potential to act as a “window to the world” for these students. It, therefore, aims to be an attractive choice for students with an Aruban background. The Faculty of Law also recognizes the need to pay attention to globalizing trends. Aruba is literally an island with its own legal system, but in a figurative sense, it cannot remain an island in a strongly globalizing world. It is therefore important that the Faculty of Law “brings the world in” by offering foreign students, teachers, and researchers an attractive choice to study in Aruba.
To this end, the Faculty of Law must continue to guarantee that it offers high-quality education, stimulates high-quality research, is visible and socially involved, and above all has the ambition to continuously improve. The Faculty of Law must furthermore draw its strength from and make optimum use of its specific context, in particular its small-scale, multi-ethnicity, multilingualism, and geographical location, with which it can build a bridge between Europe and the Americas. Her education and research must meet internationally recognized quality standards and be relevant for (inter) regional and (inter) national legal practice and the job market. It aims to offer its students optimal opportunities to become acquainted with (inter) regional and (inter) national legal practice and labor market, partly through encouraging students to study and intern abroad. Conversely, the faculty must also offer foreign students the opportunity to take non-Dutch courses and strive for a non-Dutch master’s degree. Strategic interregional and international partnerships with foreign legal faculties and research centers is essential to accomplishing this. In this way, the Faculty of Law wants to contribute to transforming the “brain drain” from Aruba into a “brain gain”.
Partner institutions
The Faculty of Law of the University of Aruba has exchange programs with a number of foreign universities on basis of the Erasmus+ program, such as Maribor University (Slovenia), University of Valladolid (Segovia, Spain) and KU Leuven (Belgium).
Explore our Partner InstitutionsFaculty dean and vice-deans
“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere” ~ Martin Luther King
Faculty Staff

Abida Abarkan has been a lecturer at our faculty since 2023. Her fields of expertise are General law and jurisprudence, international law, and European law. Next to that, Abida is part of our Educational Program Committee, the Exam Committee and the PR committee.
Email: abida.abarkan@ua.aw
Phone: (297) 526 2222
Before joining the University of Aruba, Abida worked at The Hague University of Applied Sciences as a lecturer, as well as a Research Assistant at the Erasmus University Rotterdam (the Netherlands). Abida also worked as a Research Assistant at the Max Planck Foundation for International Peace and the Rule of Law.
Abida obtained her LL.B. from the Erasmus University in Rotterdam (the Netherlands), followed by a successful completion of her LL.M. studies in international law and European law in the same university.
Abida teaches the following courses:
- Introduction to legal theory (Bachelor 1)
- Legal and communication skills (Bachelor 1)
- International law (Bachelor 2)
- Introduction to Human Rights (Bachelor 3)
As Abida’s interests lies in the field of General Law, international law and European law. Her research mostly focuses on migration law.
Some of her recent publications:
- A. Abarkan (2024, forthcoming) Breach of Article 3 ECHR: research into the deportation of asylum seekers from Venezuela by Aruba.
A full overview of her research and publications can be found via this link

Carlos joined the Faculty of Law of the University of Aruba in 2007 as associate professor in Private law. Next to that, he acts as the dean of the faculty. He is also study advisor of the faculty. Carlos also has tasks regarding the university wide wellbeing program (Shoco Wellness) and he takes part in the committee that discusses criteria for the program with law professionals.
His fields of expertise are Patrimonial law, especially Aruban, Dutch and comparative contract law and consumer law.
Email: carlos.bollen@ua.aw
Phone: (297) 526 2220
Carlos studied law at Maastricht University (the Netherlands) and Lancaster University (England). He previously worked at Maastricht University as PhD student (1994-2000) and as assistant professor (2000-2007).
Carlos teaches the courses:
- Arubaans verbintenissenrecht (ba 2)
- Arubaans arbeidsrecht (ba 2)
- Capita verbintenissenrecht (ma)
In June 2002, Carlos defended his PhD-thesis, titled ‘Onverschuldigde betaling door de overheid. Een onderzoek naar terugvordering door de overheid en het gebruik van privaatrecht daarbij’ (Undue payment by the government. A research on the use of private law with respect to recovery of undue payments by the government). He has been a member on several legislative commissions since that advised on and prepared major revisions of the Aruban Civil Code. He has published in national and international journals and books.
Carlos is a member of the editorial board of the Caribisch Juristenblad (Caribbean Law Review) and the SNAAR-series, a series of books published by Boom Juridische uitgevers on the law in the Caribbean part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
Some of his recent publications include:
- W. van Boom, B. Akkermans, C. Bollen, T. de Graaf, S. van Gulijk, C. Jansen, C. Klaassen, M. Loos, C. Pavillon, R. Rijnhout, H. Schelhaas & M. Snel (eds.), Vooruitgedenkboek Burgerlijk Wetboek 1992-2022, Den Haag: Boom Juridisch 2023 ISBN: 978-94-6212-790-6.
- C. Bollen (2023), Ambtshalve toetsing van algemene voorwaarden in consumentenovereenkomsten?, Caribisch Juristenblad, 2023-06 | Journal article, Part of ISSN: 2211-3266.
A full overview of his research and publications can be found via this link

Ruth Bonnevalle-Kok joined the University of Aruba in 2017. Her fields of expertise are Aruban Criminal Law and the Law of Criminal Procedure and International Criminal Law.
Ruth Bonnevalle-Kok served as Dean of the Law faculty from academic year 2020-2021 until June 2024. Since 2019, she serves as a Member of the Supervisory Board of the Korrektie Instituut Aruba (KIA). In addition, she participates in the steering committee “Implementatie Wetboek van Strafvordering van Aruba 2024” of the Aruban Public Prosecutor (OM). In this capacity, she provided courses to over 250 legal professionals from the Caribbean region in both Aruba and Curaçao in 2024. Finally, Ruth serves as a substitute Member of the LAR Bezwaarschriftencommissie since November 2023.
Email: ruth.bonnevalle@ua.aw
Phone: (297) 526 2222
Ruth obtained her Law degree from Leiden University (the Netherlands) in 2000. As part of her studies, she worked as a Legal Intern at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda in 2019. She started her career as a PhD candidate at the University of Amsterdam, resulting in her doctoral thesis entitled “Statutory Limitations in International Criminal Law” (The Hague: Asser Press/Cambridge University Press 2007). Ruth pursued her career within the judiciary in The Netherlands, starting at the International Crimes Unit of the Office of the Examining Magistrate at the District Court in The Hague. From 2008-2016, she served as a Member of the Legal Research Office (Section Criminal Law) of the Supreme Court of The Netherlands. She served as a Substitute Judge at the district courts of both Alkmaar and Amsterdam from 2011-2015. From 2014 until 2016, the Supreme Court granted her leave to serve as a Senior Legal Advisor at the Afdeling International Rechtshulp in Strafzaken (AIRS) at the Ministry of Security and Justice of the Netherlands. Afterwards, Ruth moved to Aruba and started working at the University of Aruba.
Ruth Bonnevalle-Kok teaches the following courses:
- Introduction to Aruban Criminal Law and Law of Criminal Procedures (Bachelor 1)
- Aruban Criminal Law and Criminal Procedures Law (Bachelor 2)
- Advanced Criminal Law (Bachelor 3)
- International Criminal Law (Master)
- OM Nationale Requireerwedstrijd
In 2007, Ruth received her Ph.D. from Amsterdam University for her doctoral thesis entitled “ Statutory Limitations in International Criminal Law” (The Hague: Asser Press/Cambridge University Press 2007). Ruth Bonnevalle-Kok was a Vice-Editor-in-Chief of the Hague Journal of International Law for over ten years (2007-2020). Her research interests lie in Aruban Law of Criminal Procedure and international/interinsular Criminal Procedure. Ruth also quarterly writes for the Caribisch Juristenblad.
Some of her recent publications include:
- R. Bonnevalle-Kok (draft 2024), Wettenbundel Wetboek van Strafvordering/Wetboek van Strafrecht, Bogota: Panamericana
- R. Bonnevalle-Kok & V. Latour (2022), Medisch Onderzoek (FMO) in geval van kindermishandeling en gewelds-en zedenmisdrijven tegen minderjarigen; een rechtsvergelijkend onderzoek tussen Nederland en Aruba, in: Boom Strafblad 2022, nr. 6, pp. 228-231.
- F. Koenraadt, E. Kolthoff, G. Pesselse & E. Stamhuis (2022), Strafrecht op Arubaanse maat, in: Proces, Tijdschrift voor strafrechtspleging 101, 5-6, pp. 322-332.
- R. Bonnevalle-Kok (2022), Verjaring van oorlogsmisdrijven gepleegd in Nederlands-Indië De Wet van 1971 inzake de opheffing van verjaring oorlogsmisdaden en misdaden tegen de menselijkheid in het licht van het NIOD-onderzoek naar de onafhankelijkheidsstrijd in Nederlands-Indië, Nederlands Juristenblad, 2022/16, pp. 1266-1270
A full overview of Ruth’s publications can be found via this link

Benedicta is a researcher and lecturer of general law at the Law Faculty of the University of Aruba since March 2020. Her fields of interest are: Methods in Empirical Legal Research, Human Rights Law, Women’s rights, and Law and Religion.
Benedicta is the exchange coordinator of the faculty. Next to that, she is the coordinator of the Tienda di Ley of the Faculty of Law and she serves as Vice-dean of Research.
Email: benedicta.deogratias@ua.aw
Phone: (297) 526 2225
Previously, Benedicta worked at Maastricht University (the Netherlands) as a part time lecturer and researcher. Benedicta obtained her LL. B degree in European Law School and LL.M degree in Globalization and Law from Maastricht University in 2012 and 2013 respectively. In 2019 she defended her PhD thesis “ Trapped in a religious marriage: A human rights perspective on the phenomenon of marital captivity”’ which was awarded the Feministisch cultuurfonds Gender & Wetenschap dissertation award.
Benedicta will be teaching the following courses:
- Introduction to legal theory (Bachelor 1)
- Moot court (Bachelor 3)
- Introduction to Human Rights (Bachelor 3)
- Human Rights Research Clinic (Master)
Benedicta’s research focuses predominantly on human rights topics related to women’s rights, social inequalities and racial discrimination. In 2019, she obtained her PhD at Maastricht University titled: Trapped in a religious marriage: A human rights perspective on the phenomenon of marital captivity.
Currently, Benedicta is conducting, in cooperation with partners from the CBHRI, University of Curaçao, University of Sint-Maarten and the University of Utrecht, a ZonMW funded research project on the social and human rights consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic titled ‘Upholding Human Rights in a Pandemic: The social Impact of the COVID-19 Measures on Vulnerable Families in Curaçao, Aruba and St. Maarten.’
Some of her recent publications include:
- B. Deogratias et al. (2024), ‘COVIDCAS Research into the resilience of Dutch Caribbean Societies – Final report’, Curaçao Biomedical Research Institute
- B. Deogratias & S. Rutten (2020), ‘VWS rapport’, De eer gekeerd : Een verkennend onderzoek naar de rol van de extended family bij de aanpak van eergerelateerd geweld in verschillende Europese landen’, Maastricht University: Maastricht 2020.
- B. Deogratias (2020), Trapped in a religious marriage: A Human rights perspective on the on the phenomenon of marital captivity, Intersentia: Antwerpen 2020.
- B. Deogratias, A. Osuna & C. Eugene (2023), COVID-CAS, a story of resilience – The educator, short video
- B. Deogratias, A. Osuna & J. Mora (2023), COVID-CAS, a story of resilience – The Care taker, short video
- B. Deogratias, A. Osuna & A. Theis (2023), COVID-CAS, a story of resilience – The community Member, short video
A full overview of Benedicta’s research and publications can be found via this link

In 2006, after graduating at the Faculty of Law of our university, Miranda Gielen joined our team as a lecturer. Her fields of expertise are in Aruban and Dutch Civil Law, and Aruban and Dutch Family Law. Miranda is our thesis coordinator, as well as internship coordinator of our faculty.
Email: miranda.gielen@ua.aw
Phone: (297) 526 2224
Before joining the faculty of law, Miranda worked in primary education in Egypt, the Netherlands and Aruba for eighteen years.
Miranda teaches the following courses:
- Introduction to Private Law (Bachelor 1)
- Persons and Family Law (Bachelor 3)
- International Family Law (Bachelor 3)
Miranda’s research focuses mostly on Aruban family law. On the occasion of the revision of the Aruban Civil Code in 2021, Miranda compiled a law book in which she compared the Aruban family law legislation (book 1 Civil Code) with the same legislation of Curaçao, St. Maarten, the Netherlands and the islands of Bonaire, Saba and St. Eustatius (BES islands).
Some of her recent publications include:
- M. Gielen (2023), De betekenis van het concordantiebeginsel in het Caribische familierecht, Tijdschrift Familie en Jeugdrecht (FJR), 2023-12.
- Het Arubaans Burgerlijk Wetboek 2021: boek 1: Personen- en familierecht, Boom Juridische Uitgeverij, 2022 | Book
- M. Gielen (2022), Het personen- en familierecht in rechtsvergelijkend perspectief, Tijdschrift Familie en Jeugdrecht (FJR), 2022-12.
A full overview of Miranda’s research and publications can be found via this link

Brechtje Huiskes joined our team in 2021. Her fields of expertise are amongst others Aruban Constitutional Law and Administrative Law. Brechtje is a member of our Educational Program Committee, as well as member of the Tienda di Ley committee of the faculty. She also serves as Vice-President of the complaints committee of the General Practitioners Association Aruba (HAVA klachtencommissie) and Secretary of the Foundation for Post Academic Education.
Email: brechtje.huiskes@ua.aw
Phone: (297) 526 2221
Brechtje obtained her Bachelor and Masters degree in Dutch Law from Maastricht University (the Netherlands) in 2012, with a specialization in both Criminal Law and Criminal, Civil and Administrative Procedure. During that year she also obtained a joint Master degree in International Criminal Law from Columbia University (New York, United States) and the University of Amsterdam (the Netherlands). She also participated in a year-long Erasmus exchange program at the University Paris I: Panthéon-Sorbonne (France).
Brechtje previously worked as attorney at law at VanEps Kunneman VanDoorne in Curaçao and Aruba from 2013 up to 2020, specializing in corporate law, corporate governance and aircraft registrations. In 2020 she worked as legal specialist in real estate transactions at Johnson Notary Services.
Brechtje teaches the following courses:
- Aruban Constitutional and Administrative Law (Bachelor 2)
- International Law (Bachelor 2)
- Extraordinary Administrative Law (Master)
Brechtje is currently working on research that focuses on accountability of political actors in small island states.
Some of her recent publications include:
- B. Huiskes (draft 2023) Ensuring Equal Human Rights Enjoyment and Protection in the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Society for Caribbean Studies 2023 Conference, Conference abstract
A full overview of Brechtje’s research and publications can be found via this link

Chun Luk has been Assistant Professor in Private Law at the University of Aruba since March 2022. As of September 2024, Chun serves as the Vice-dean of Education of the Law faculty.
Chun’s fields of expertise are in asylum and migration law, human rights law, nationality law and European citizenship.
Email: chun.luk@ua.aw
Phone: (297) 526 2227
Previously, Chun worked at the Centre for European Policy Studies in Brussels, conducting research on topics related to the EU Area of Freedom, Security and Justice. Chun obtained his LL.M. in Aruban Law at the University of Aruba in 2012, as well as an LL.M. in International Laws at Maastricht University in 2014, during which he participated in study exchange programmes at the University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong) and the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona). He obtained his PhD in Law at Maastricht University in 2017.
Chun Luk teaches the following courses:
- Aruban Property Law (Goederenrecht) (Bachelor 3)
- Aruban Insolvency Law (Faillissementsrecht) (Bachelor 3)
- Introduction to Human Rights (Bachelor 3)
Chun has published on and is interested in topics of asylum and migration law, human rights law, nationality law and European citizenship. In 2017, he obtained his PhD in Law at Maastricht University after successfully defending his thesis entitled “Diaspora status and citizenship rights: A comparative-legal analysis of the quasi-citizenship schemes of China, India and Suriname”.
He is moreover interested in research in the other field of law, including Aruban property law, legal issues of small island jurisdictions in regional and international perspectives, and copyright law.
Some of his recent publications include:
- European Union Policies on Onward and Secondary Movements of Asylum-seekers and Refugees, Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), 2022-03 | Report
- Limitations on Human Mobility in Response to COVID-19, Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), 2021-12 | Report
- In the name of COVID, European Parliament, 2020-09 | Report | Writing – original draft
A full overview of his research and publications can be found via this link

Hannah Meijer joined the Faculty of Law in 2023 as a lecturer in Constitutional and Administrative Law. Her fields of expertise include constitutional law and administrative law and public administration.
Hannah is Chair of the Exam Committee.
Email: hannah.meijer@ua.aw
Phone: (297) 526 2221
Previously, Hannah worked at the University of Groningen (the
Netherlands). First as a policy advisor and from 2021 onwards, she had a lecturer position there. She taught courses on Dutch constitutional law, administrative law and comparative constitutional law.
Hannah holds a Masters degree in Dutch constitutional law and administrative law, as well as a Masters degree in Law and Public Administration from the University of Groningen. She undertook part of her studies at the Australian National University.
Hannah teaches the following courses:
- Introduction to legal theory (Bachelor 1)
- Introduction to Aruban Constitutional and Administrative Law (Bachelor 1)
- International Law (Bachelor 2)
- Capita Administrative Law (Bachelor 3)
Hannah’s research interests lie in comparative constitutional law. Her current research focuses specifically on Kingdom affairs and the position of the different countries and municipalities within the Kingdom of the Netherlands when they want to collaborate on performing public tasks
Some of her recent publications:
- J.H. Meijer (2024), Regie in de rijkswetgevingsprocedure: Nederland boven, book chapter.
- J.H. Meijer (2022), Case note: Rechtbank Rotterdam, Belanghebbendheid aanwijzigingsbesluit mondkapjesplicht. (Te) Ruim bij inbreuk fundamenteel recht?, ECLI:NL:RBROT:2021:12796, AB 2022/320, 2509-2515.
A full overview of Hannah’s research and publications can be found via this link

In 2023, Nicole joined our faculty. She will be assisting the staff with all the administrative workload. Before joining us, Nicole worked at a renowned accounting firm and later decided to switch fields and worked at a law firm. She obtained her bachelor’s degree in Accounting and Finance at the University of Central Florida.
You can contact Nicole via email, for example when you are unable to find certain information on our website, or if you are unsure whom to approach if you have a request to the (lecturers of the) faculty of law or a question about our study programs.
Email: nicole.habibe@ua.aw

Geert Hatzmann works at the Faculty of Law since 2023 as a lecturer in Criminal, and Criminal Procedures Law. Next to that, he is part of the Tienda di Ley committee. His field of expertise is severe violent crimes (armed robberies and manslaughter/murder).
Geert obtained his Masters degree at the University of Groningen (the Netherlands). He has 16 years of experience as a defense attorney on Sint Maarten. Therefore, real life practices and examples are part of his teaching.
In the academic year 2023-2024, Geert will be teaching the following courses:
- Criminal and Criminal Procedures Law (Bachelor 2)
- Criminal Sanction Law (Master)
- Advanced Criminal Law (Master)
Geert is interested in researching the mechanism of statutory self defense and the question whether seriously intellectually incapacitated people can be/and or should be subjected to the criminal law.

Herman Bröring has been one of our guest lecturers since 2011. In 2021, he was appointed as honorary professor of Constitutional and Administrative Law at the faculty. His fields of expertise include constitutional and administrative law of Aruba and the Netherlands. More specifically his interests are in public organization law, decision-making, soft law and administrative law, especially norm-making (legislation; administrative rules; guidelines, protocols) and law enforcement (administrative coercion, penalty payments and fines).
Next to teaching at the university of Aruba, Herman gives post academic courses for, inter alia, the judicature and civil servant trainee education programs.
Herman also works as professor of Administrative Law at the University of Groningen. Next to that, he is a member of several management, supervision and objections committees. He is deputy chairman of The Netherlands Board on Research Integrity (LOWI, Amsterdam) and a member of the committee ‘Verschillen’ (unequal treatment of mining damage in Groningen).
Email: h.e.broring@rug.nl
In 1983 Herman E. Bröring (1959, Stadskanaal, the Netherlands) graduated in Dutch law (public, private and social-economic law). From 1982 till 1985 he was researcher environmental and procedural law at the University of Groningen, and from 1985 till 1993 he became assistant professor administrative law. After his doctor’s degree in 1993, he became associate professor administrative law. From 2002 till 2009 he was director of the Research institute / graduate school of the law faculty at the University of Groningen. Since 2003 Bröring was full professor Integrative Law studies, since 2018 he holds the chair Administrative Law at the University of Groningen.
Herman will be teaching the following courses:
- Capita Administrative Law (Bachelor 3)
- Extraordinary Administrative Law (Master)
The PhD-thesis of prof. Bröring (Groningen 1993, cum laude; Amsterdam 1995, Stibbe Award) concerns a category of soft public law: non-statutory rules, quasi-legislation, administrative rules, policy rules, codes of practice, guidelines, et cetera. Since, his research focused on different aspects in the field of administrative law, also concerning the Caribbean countries and territories of the Kingdom of The Netherlands.
Prof. Bröring participates in the editorial board of, inter alia, JBplus (chair, Sdu) and Module algemeen bestuursrecht (member, Wolters Kluwer).
Some of his recent publications include:
- H.E. Broring & L.M. Koenraad (2023), Case note: Gerecht in Eerste Aanleg van Curaçao 3 mei 2023, USZ 2023/192, ECLI:NL:OGEAC:2023:103. Art. 1:2 Awb. Belanghebbende. Afgeleid belang. Verwevenheidcorrectie. Excessief formalisme.
- Inaugural speech: Goed voorbeeld doet goed volgen? Enkele opmerkingen over concordantie en legal transplants. Also see ‘2 buitengewoon hoogleraren aanvaarden ambt met oratio’, Amigoe 3 maart 2022, Mr-online: Herman Bröring over het Pokopokobeginsel, and Installation at the University of Aruba,
- Herman Bröring, Eric Mijts, Language Planning and Policy, ‘Law and (Post)Colonial Relations in Small Island States: A Case Study’, Social Inclusion 2017, Volume 5, Issue 4, p. 29-37.
A full overview of his publications and activities can be found via this link

René de Groot was appointed as Honorary professor of Private Law at our faculty in 2007. His fields of expertise include Private International Law, Comparative Law, Nationality Law, and Legal Translation.
De Groot is also Professor emeritus of Maastricht University in Comparative Law and Private International Law. Next to that, he is a Consortium member of the Global Citizenship Observatory (GLOBALCIT), co-Director of the Maastricht Centre for Citizenship, Migration and Development (MACIMIDE), and President of the Netherlands Comparative Law Association.
Email: r.degroot@maastrichtuniversity.nl
Phone: (297) 526 2220
Gerard-René de Groot (born 1951) is a Professor emeritus of Maastricht University in Comparative Law and Private International Law. He studied law at University of Groningen (the Netherlands) and at the Westfälische Wilhelmsuniversität Münster (Germany). De Groot obtained the degrees Magister iuris and Doctorandus iuris at the University of Groningen and taught there between 1974–1982. He also obtained the degree of Doctor iuris at Maastricht University. In 1982 de Groot started to teach at Maastricht University and was subsequently appointed as a professor (retired in 2016). Since 2007 he has taught at the University of Aruba.
René de Groot will be teaching the following courses:
- Nationality Law (Master)
- Comparative Private Law (Master)
Gerard-René de Groot has published books and articles on nationality law, comparative law, private international law, legal translation and the protection of regional and minority languages, like Papiamento. As a Scientific Expert of the Council of Europe‘s Group of Specialists on Nationality, de Groot has participated in the efforts of the Council in the development of regional standards relating to the regulation of nationality. As nationality law is a ‘Kingdom affair’, most of his research is not only relevant for the Netherlands, but for Aruba as well.
De Groot also prepared the Background Papers for the two Expert Meetings convened by the United Nations High Commissioners for Refugees (UNHCR) on interpreting the 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness, i.e. on Avoiding Statelessness resulting from Loss and Deprivation of Nationality (Tunis, Tunisia, 31 October-1 November 2013) and Preventing Statelessness among Children (Dakar, Senegal, 23–24 May 2011).
Gerard-René de Groot was involved in the project on loss of nationality entitled Involuntary Loss of European Citizenship (ILEC) co-financed under the Fundamental Rights and Citizenship Programme of the European Union which led to the publication of the ILEC Guidelines Involuntary Loss of European Citizenship’ (2015) and other materials. Among others, de Groot has promoted the limitation and regulation of “quasi-loss” of nationality which is a withdrawal of nationality based on the change of nationality status and other causes which are not explicitly stipulated in the relevant laws.
Since December 2016, de Groot is a member of the Committee of Experts of the Council of Europe, monitoring the implementation of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages.
Some of his recent publications include:
- R. de Groot (2023), Artikelsgewijs op de Wet vaststellingsprocedure staatloosheid, in Groene Serie, editie Personen- en familierecht (onderdeel Nationaliteitsrecht), supplement september 2023, Deventer: Kluwer.
- R. de Groot (2022), Latente Nederlanders revisited, Asiel-& Migrantenrecht 2022, p. 53-58.
- R. de Groot (2022), Case note: Hof van Justitie Europese Unie 18 januari 2022, C-118/20, ECLI:EU:C:2022:34, Jurisprudentie Vreemdelingenrecht 2022/44, p. 309-323.
A full overview of his is available on request

Evert Stamhuis holds the chair for Criminal Law and Procedure of the University of Aruba since 2014. Before his appointment as professor, he served the university as a teacher and advisor from 1997 onwards. His teaching and research in Aruba cover topics of criminal law and procedure. His fields of expertise are Criminal Law, Criminal procedure law, Cybercrime, Law, data and AI.
In the Netherlands, Stamhuis holds a chair in Law & Innovation at the Erasmus School of Law in Rotterdam. Evert is also honorary member of the Court of Appeal (criminal section) ‘s Hertogenbosch.
Email: stamhuis@law.eur.nl
Phone: (297) 526 2220
Evert Stamhuis completed his masters at the University of Groningen (the Netherlands) in 1982. Afterwards, in 1988, he obtained his PhD at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (the Netherlands) and worked at the University of Groningen. Later on, in 2006, he joined the Open Universiteit Nederland as chair Criminal Law and Procedure. Stamhuis was also a visiting scholar at the faculty of law at the Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand) and visiting professor at the University of Western Ontario Law School (Canada).
Evert Stamhuis will be teaching the following courses:
- Advanced Criminal Law (Bachelor 3)
- Introduction to Criminal Law (Bachelor 1)
- Remedies (Master)
Evert’s research is on the interaction between law, governance and new technologies, with a special focus on the public domain, health care and regulated markets.
Some of his recent publications include:
- A. Keuning & E.F. Stamhuis (2021), Het rechtsmiddel van verzet is wat waard, Caribisch Juristenblad 2021, vol 2.
- E. Stamhuis, L. Evangelista, S. van der Voort, A.M. Mele, E. Spiller, E. Demir, A. Pin, K. Heine (2023), From bottleneck to enabler: a new approach to regulating data-driven medical research, Clinical and Translational Imaging, 2023-02-15 | Journal article.
A full overview of his publications can be found via this link

Michiel Heldeweg is involved in teaching at the University of Aruba since 2010. His fields of expertise include Law, Governance & Technology, environmental law, legal governance of technological innovation (energy transition / robotics & drones), future proof regulation and institutional legal theory.
In the Netherlands, at the University of Twente, Heldeweg is a member (and former head) of the section of Governance & Technology for Sustainability (CSTM), Program director of the Master in Environmental and Energy Management (MEEM), and chairman of the Committee on Scientific Integrity. He is also a member of the Netherlands Institute of Governance (NIG), an associate senior member of the Ius Commune Research School (ICOS), a partner to the Netherlands Institute for Law and Governance (NILG), and leader of the European Sustainable Energy Innovation Alliance (Eseia) Working Group (4) on Energy Governance, Business Models and Legal Frameworks. Heldeweg’s main ancillary activity is that of honorary judge at the District Court of Overijssel (Administrative bench), the Netherlands.
Email: m.a.heldeweg@utwente.nl
Phone: (297) 526 2220
Michiel A Heldeweg (1957) obtained his LL.M. (Dutch Public law) and MA (Law & Public Administration) at Groningen University (1985/1987), and his PhD at the University of Maastricht (1993) on safeguards concerning input of technical expertise in standard setting, particularly in environmental licensing. Since 2008 he is also a full professor of Law, Governance & Technology at the University of Twente (UT), the Netherlands. He was a temporary visiting professor to the Faculty of Law of the University of Sydney (Centre for Climate and Environmental law) and the Faculty of Law of Exeter University.
In the 1990’s, Heldeweg also taught Nederlands-Antilliaans Milieurecht (Dutch-Antillian Environmental Law) at the University of the Dutch Antilles, in Curaçao.
Michiel will teach the following courses:
- International Environmental Law (Master)
Next to that, professor Heldeweg will also be teaching at the faculty of Arts and Science. He teaches the course Environmental Law & Policy in the BSc. Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics programme (SISSTEM).
Previously, Michiel Heldeweg has also taught International & European Law, and Law & Smart Regulation in the LLM programme of the Faculty of Law.
Heldeweg’s research is focused on the (methodology of) legal design of smart & resilient rules & regimes fostering technological and governance innovation (‘future proof’), such as through experimental regulation, institutional change and smart regulatory governance (e.g. meta-regulation, principle- and risk-based rules, and public/private certification). His research relates especially to legal governance of the energy transition, such as in community energy initiatives, and to responsible development and use of robotics, such as drones. In his work, Heldeweg combines doctrinal legal study with regulatory and institutional (legal) theory.
Michiel Heldeweg is member of the editorial board of Competition and Regulation in Network Industries (CRNI), of the Journal Laws, and of the NILG book series on Market, Government & Law.
Some of his recent publications include:
- Adebayo, A. , Lulofs, K. R. D. , & Heldeweg, M. A. (2023), Indicators, Strategies, and Rule Settings for Sustainable Public-Private Infrastructure Partnerships: From Literature Review Towards Institutional Designs. Sustainability (Switzerland), 15(12), 1-26. Article 9422.
- Lee, D., Hess, D. J. , & Heldeweg, M. A. (2022), Safety and privacy regulations for unmanned aerial vehicles: A multiple comparative analysis, Technology in society, 71, Article 102079.
- Heldeweg, M. A. (2021), Looking beyond the horizon. A normative-institutional approach to sustainability science; getting onto ‘the balcony’, In S. Withaningsih, D. Supyandi, G. L. Utama, & A. D. Malik (Eds.), E3S Web of Conferences 249 (2021): 4th International Conference on Sustainability Science (CSS2020) (2021 ed., Vol. 249). Article 02001 (2021) EDP Sciences.
A full overview of his publications can be found via this link

Willem Jan Noordhuizen teaches Civil Procedure as a guest lecturer at the University of Aruba since 2020. Willem Jan is a practicing lawyer in Aruba, handling complex civil matters as an advisor and litigator.
Willem Jan also serves as member of the Committee on the Supervision of Lawyers of Sint Maarten (Raad van Toezicht voor de Advocatuur) since 2019 and of Aruba since 2020 and, since 2019 he is an Extraordinary member of the Council of Advice of Sint Maarten (Raad van Advies).
Email: willemjan@dconlaw.com
Phone: (297) 526 2220
Willem Jan Noordhuizen is a graduate of the Erasmus University of Rotterdam (the Netherlands), where he obtained a Master in Dutch Civil Law in 1989. He was admitted to the bar for the first time in 1989. Until 1996 he practiced law in Roermond, Netherlands after which he became a law clerk (gerechtsauditeur) for the Dutch Supreme Court (Hoge Raad der Nederlanden), section Civil Law which position he held until he was sworn in as a judge. Between 2000 and 2018 he sat on the bench of the Court of The Hague (Arrondissementsrechtbank ‘s Gravenhage), section Civil Law, the Court of Appeals of Amsterdam (Gerechtshof Amsterdam), section Civil Law and during two different periods, on the bench of the Joint Court of Justice of the Netherlands-Antilles and Aruba. As a judge Willem Jan Noordhuizen was also President of the Committee on the Supervision of Lawyers (Raad van Toezicht voor de Advocatuur).
Willem Jan will be teaching the following course:
- Civil Procedure (Bachelor 3)
Willem Jan has co-authored a book on tenancy law (Nederlands-Antilliaans en Arubaans huurrecht, 2009), he is a co-founder and member of the editorial staff of the weekly magazine Kluwer Dutch civil law jurisprudence (Nederlandse Jurispruntie Feitenrechtspraak) since October 2003.

Mrs. Nicole Duyvelshoff has been one of our guest Indrah joined the University of Aruba as a guest lecturer in 2024. Her expertise lies in (corporate) income tax compliance and payroll taxes, including expatriate compensation. She also has extensive experience in advisory, compliance, and planning related to the indirect taxes and general tax-law matters. With over 15 years of experience as an all-round tax practitioner, Indrah specializes in the tax systems of Aruba, the BES-Islands and Suriname. She currently works at HBN Law & Tax Aruba.
Email: nicole.duijvelshoff@ua.aw
Phone: (297) 526 2220
Nicole studied at both the Erasmus University Rotterdam and Maastricht University (the Netherlands). Previously, she worked at Loyens & Loeff as a tax advisor in the Netherlands. Nicole has been working at Grant Thornton since 2011 and has more than 16 years of experience in both national and international taxation. Nicole advises on matters concerning profit tax, turnover tax, personal income tax, wage tax, social premiums, pension and formal tax.
Nicole will be teaching the following courses:
- Income Tax Law (Master)
- Fiscal Aspects of Labour and Pension (Master)
Nicole serves as the editor of the tax law bundle, a publication by Grant Thornton and has presented at several seminars on recent developments in legislation.

Indrah joined the University of Aruba as a guest lecturer in 2024. Her expertise lies in (corporate) income tax compliance and payroll taxes, including expatriate compensation. She also has extensive experience in advisory, compliance, and planning related to the indirect taxes and general tax-law matters. With over 15 years of experience as an all-round tax practitioner, Indrah specializes in the tax systems of Aruba, the BES-Islands and Suriname. She currently works at HBN Law & Tax Aruba.
Email: indrah.maduro@hbnlawtax.com
Indrah obtained her bachelor’s degree in Fiscal law and Economics from Fontys University of Applied Sciences in Eindhoven in 2008. After gaining experience as a tax advisor, she earned her master’s degree in Fiscal Law from Tilburg University in 2014.
Indrah has extensive experience providing training and workshops on several tax-related topics. She began her career in 2008 at a small Accountancy & Tax firm in the Netherlands and later gained further experience working for organizations such as Grant Thornton Aruba (formerly PwC Aruba) and EY Aruba.
Together with Nicole Duijvelshoff, Indrah will be teaching the following courses:
- Income Tax Law (Master)
Indrah enjoys writing and publishing tax related articles and newsflashes.
For some of her publications, visit https://hbnlawtax.com/tax-instant-news/

Martin Herz has been one of our lecturers since 2020. His fields of expertise are European and International Law, specifically European competition law.
Next to teaching at the University of Aruba, Martin works at Kenniscentrum Europa Decentraal, as legal advisor public procurement and digitalization.
Email: mseherz@proton.me
Phone: (297) 526 2220
Before working at Kenniscentrum Europa Decentraal, Martin worked at the University of Groningen (the Netherlands) as Lecturer European Law and Competition Law, and PhD candidate. He obtained his LL.M. in Groningen as well, in 2014.
Martin will be teaching the following course:
- European Law (Bachelor 3)
Martin is interested in European competition law. He is editor for the Oxford Competition Law National Case Reports.
Some of his recent publications include:
- Hertz, M.S.E. & Lindeboom, J (2021), Mededingingsrecht, Book | ISBN: 9789462907980
- Dekker, C & Herz, M.S.E. (2018), Online platforms als horizontale samenwerking – een mededingingsrechtelijk perspectief, Tijdschrift voor Internetrecht, IR 2018-3, 91
A full overview of his research can be found via this link.

Remy Gaarthuis is one of our guest lecturers since 2024. His fields of expertise are Substantive Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, Criminal sanctions and Caribbean Criminal Law. He is interested in the relationship between criminal law and (mental) healthcare.
Next to teaching at the University of Aruba, Remy works at the ‘Willem Pompe Institute for Criminal Law and Criminology’ of the University of Utrecht and is deputy judge at the Amsterdam District Court.
Email: remy.gaarthuis@ua.aw
Previously, Remy worked as a public prosecutor in the Noord-Holland district in the Netherlands. Before that, Remy worked at the University of Aruba as one of our lecturers in Criminal Law. He obtained his PhD in 2019, titled ‘Tussen pragmatiek en dogmatiek’ at the University of Groningen.
Remy will be teaching the following course:
- Criminal Sanctions Law (Master)
The research conducted by Remy Gaarthuis focuses on the intersection of criminal justice and mental healthcare, particularly on the legal possibilities for diverting individuals with mental disorders and disruptive behavior, who come into contact with law enforcement and the judiciary, from the criminal justice system to (mandatory) regular mental healthcare services.
Some of his recent publications include:
- Gaarthuis, R. (2024), (Door)zorg in detentie, in: B. Van der Vorm (Ed.), Strafrechtelijke criminologie II: Een thematische verdieping in de relatie tussen criminologie en strafrecht (pp. 285-303). Boom Juridisch.

Jos Hamers has been one of our guest lecturers since 2008. Next to that, he works as Professor of Corporate Law and National & Interregional Legal Entity and Partnership Law at the Maastricht University (the Netherlands).
Email: j.hamers@maastrichtuniversity.nl
Phone: (297) 526 5220
After graduating from Maastricht University, Jos Hamers became assistant and afterwards lecturer at the Maastricht University in 1993. Next to being actively involved in education, he was also part of the Faculty Council and Faculty Board. Since 2021, he is the Chair of Private Law at Maastricht University.
Jos will be teaching the following courses:
- Corporate and Insolvency Law (Bachelor 3)
- Advanced Corporate Law (Master)
In 1996, Jos Hamers obtained his PhD with the title “Verpanding van aandelen en de beslotenheid van kapitaalvennootschappen. Een beschouwing over het leerstuk der verpanding van aandelen in relatie tot enkele vennootschapsrechtelijke aspecten”.
Part of his current research focuses on the Caribbean. Together with limited liability companies, partnerships (including partnership firms and limited partnerships) make up the majority of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the Netherlands. Partnerships also play a major role in the Caribbean part of the Kingdom.
On 1 January 2012 Curaçao introduced a new law for partnerships which is quite different to the Dutch law. In Aruba, a new legal system for partnerships came into force as of the first of September 2021. Both regulations are very different from the current Dutch regulation. Moreover, neither the new rules in Curaçao nor the law for Aruba are in sync with the current proposals for new regulations on partnerships in the Netherlands.
The same goes for Book 2 of the Aruban Civil Code (legal entity law): not only the wording of this code but also its content diverge in significant ways from the Dutch Civil Code. These developments raise questions about uniformity that Jos will research. How are decisions by the Supreme Court of the Netherlands to be interpreted and applied in the Caribbean part of the Kingdom?
Next to this, Jos is member of the editorial board of the Tijdschrift voor ondernemingsbestuur at Uitgeverij Paris.
Some of his recent publications include:
- Hamers, J. J. A. & Frielink, K. (2023), Rechtspersonen en personenvennootschappen: terugkijken en vooruitzien vanuit Caribisch perspectief in: Boom, W., Akkermans, B., Bollen, C., de Graaf, T., van Gulijk, S., Jansen, C., Klaassen, C., Loos, M., Pavillon, C., Rijnhout, R., Schelhaas, H. & Snel, M. (eds.), Vooruitgedenkboek Burgerlijk Wetboek 1992-2022, Den Haag: Boom Juridisch
- Bollen, C. & Hamers, J. J. A. (2022), Burgerlijk Wetboek van Aruba: inclusief overgangsrecht, Studiereeks Nederlands-Antilliaans en Arubaans Recht (SNAAR), Vol. 45, Den Haag: Boom Juridisch
- Hamers, J. J. A. (2021), Nederlands Caribisch Personenvennootschapsrecht, Studiereeks Nederlands-Antilliaans en Arubaans Recht (SNAAR), Vol. 38, 2 ed. Den Haag: Boom Juridisch
A full overview of his research can be found via this link.

Anselm Kamperman Sanders is one of our guest lecturers and teaches Intellectural Property Law. He is Professor of Intellectual Property Law and Academic Director of the Institute for Globalisation and International Regulation (IGIR) at Maastricht University (the Netherlands). He also sits as deputy judge in the Court of Appeal in the Hague. His fields of expertise include Intellectual and Industrial Property Law, Media Law, Trade and Commercial Law, and (Unfair) Competition Law.
Email: a.kampermansanders@maastrichtuniversity.nl
Anselm studied law at and graduated from Tilburg University (the Netherlands) in 1991. He holds a PhD from the Centre for Commercial Law Studies, Queen Mary, University of London, where he worked as a Marie Curie Fellow before joining Maastricht University in 1995. For the UN he was a member of the expert group for the 2018 World Economic and Social Survey 2018. He served as a member of the European Commission expert group on development and implications of patent law in the field of biotechnology and genetic engineering, and for the Dutch government he served as a member of the Commission Compulsory Licensing.
He also acts as Academic Co-director of the Annual Intellectual Property Law School and IP Seminar of the Institute for European Studies of Macau (IEEM), Macau SAR, China since 2000 and is Adjunct Professor at Jinan University Law School, Guangzhou, China. Anselm sits as deputy judge in the Court of Appeal, The Hague, which has exclusive jurisdiction over patent disputes. Furthermore, Anselm is very active in Intellectual Property training, curriculum development, and consultancy projects, especially for developing countries. He is also a Member of the European Commission expert group on development and implications of patent law in the field of biotechnology and genetic engineering.
Anselm will be teaching together with Anke Moerland, Kalpana Tyagi the following course:
- Intellectual Property Law (Master)
Anselm is member of the editorial and/or advisory board of the Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, and Intellectual Property Quarterly. He is also the author of Unfair Competition Law (Oxford, Clarendon Press) and Co-editor (with Dr. C. Heath) of and contributor to the IEEM Intellectual Property Law series. Further publications and research concern competition law – the protection of intellectual and industrial creativity and intellectual property law in international trade.
A full overview of his research can be found via this link.

Jona is one of our guest lecturers since 2021, previously he was one of our Associate Professors. His fields of expertise include Insolvency Law.
Jona graduated from Maastricht University (the Netherlands) in 1995. After that, he obtained his PhD at the European University Institute in 1998. He previously worked at Maastricht University and the Radbout University (the Netherlands). From 2011 until 2021, Jona worked as Associate Professor at the University of Aruba.
Jona will be teaching the following course:
- Insolvency Law (Master)
- International Commercial Law (Master)

Peter van den Berg has been one of our guest lecturers since 2008. Currently, Peter also works as Associate Professor at the University of Groningen (the Netherlands) at the Department of General Law Studies and Legal History.
In 1996, Peter obtained his PhD titled ‘Codificatie en staatsvorming. De politieke en politiek-theoretische achtergronden van de codificatie van het privaatrecht in Pruisen, de Donaumonarchie, Frankrijk en Nederland, 1450-1811’ at the University of Groningen (the Netherlands). He has been working there as a lecturer and researcher ever since.
Peter will be teaching the following courses:
- Legal History (Bachelor 2)
- Legal English (Bachelor 3)
Peter’s research interests lie with the history of codification, the role of constitutions and citizenship/nationality. In the last couple of years, Peter’s research has focused on the legal history of slavery, and electoral law.
Some of his recent publications include:
- Van den Berg, P.A.J. (2022), Colonialism and Codification, Studiereeks Nederlands-Antilliaans en Arubaans Recht (SNAAR), Den Haag: Boom Juridisch
A full overview of his publications can be found via this link.

Pauline Westerman has been teaching Philosophy of Law at our faculty as a guest lecturer. Next to that, she is Professor of Philosophy of Law at the University of Groningen (the Netherlands). Pauline is also a member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences and program manager of the ‘Academie voor Wetgeving’ in The Hague.
Pauline completed her PhD (cum laude) at the University of Groningen in 1997. She taught at the University of Groningen as well as at the Radboud University Nijmegen (the Netherlands) from 1992 till 2000. Afterwards, she was appointed as Associate Professor at the University of Groningen, where she became full Professor of Philosophy of Law in 2001. Since 2007, she has been program manager of the Academie voor Wetgeving in The Hague. Next to that, Pauline became a member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) for the Law department in 2007. From 2014 onwards she also serves as member of the Advisory committee called the ‘Sociaal Wetenschappelijke Raad’ from the KNAW. Since 2012, she is also part of the scientific advisory board of the European Masters Legal Theory (AMELIE-project).
Pauline will be teaching the following course:
- Philosophy of Law (Bachelor 1)
After obtaining her PhD in 1997 called ‘The Disintegration of Natural Law Theory: From Aquinas to Finnis’, that was awarded Cum laude, Pauline continued her research. From 2009 onwards, she has been General Editor of Legisprudence, the International Journal for the Study of Legislation. Pauline Westerman is also member of the Editorial Board of ‘Recht & Methode’ and editorial member of ‘Rechtsgeleerd Magazijn Themis’.
Some of her recent publications include:
- Westerman, P. (2022), Legal Scholarship as design: A comment on Kammerhofer in: Gorobets, K., Hadjigeorgiou, A. & Westerman, P. (eds.), Conceptual (Re)constructions of International Law, Edward Elgar Publishing
- Westerman, P. (2022), De valse tegenstelling tussen uniform en maatpak, Ars Aequi, AA2022/4
A full overview of his publications can be found via this link.

Anne Ruth Mackor has been one of our guest lecturers since 2021. Anne Ruth is Professor of professional ethics, in particular of legal professions, at the Faculty of Law of the University of Groningen (the Netherlands). For her research, in particular her research into models of proof in criminal law, she has been awarded an honorary doctorate at the Faculty of Law at Lund University in 2020.
Her fields of expertise include professional ethics, especially ethics of legal professions and ethics of science, legal philosophy, epistemology and philosophy of science.
Anne Ruth Mackor studied law in Leiden and philosophy in Leiden and in Groningen. She obtained her PhD in 1997 at the Faculty of Law of the University of Groningen on the thesis Meaningful and rule-guided behavior: a naturalistic approach. Part of her current research is focused on the prevention of miscarriages of justice. Over the last 20 years, wrongful convictions, such as Lucia de Berk (the Netherlands), Sally Clark (the United Kingdom) and Thomas Quick (Sweden), have raised serious concerns about errors that judges make in the evaluation of evidence. This has fuelled academic and societal debate on how judges and other legal factfinders can learn to reason more rationally about evidence in criminal cases.
Anne Ruth will be teaching the following course:
- Philosophy of Law (Bachelor 1)
Some of her recent publications include:
- Mackor, A. R. (2024), Risks of Incorrect Use of Probabilities in Court and What to Do about Them, in: Placani, A. & Broadhead, S. (eds), Risk and Responsibility in Context, New York and London: Routledge
- Mackor, A. R. (2023), Epistemische bedreigingen van de rechtsstaat, Ars Aequi, 2023(3), AA20230194
An overview of Anne Ruth’s research can be found via this link.

Carel Smith has been a guest lecturer of the University of Aruba since… His fields of expertise include Encyclopedia and Philosophy of Law and Language and Law. Carel is also Associate Professor Jurisprudence at Leiden University (the Netherlands) since 2006.
Carel obtained his PhD in 1998, titled ‘Feit en rechtsnorm. Een studie naar de verhouding tussen regel en feiten in de heuristiek en legitimatie van het rechtsoordeel’.
From 2006 until 2017, Carel was Head of the Master Research program of Leiden University and PhD Dean from 2011-2017. In 2017 and 2018, Carel worked at the Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton), where he conducted research on conceptual metaphors in the theory of law.
Since 2018, Carel has been affiliated with the department of Legal History of Leiden University. He also serves as member of the Ethical Committee for Pedagogy.
Carel, together with Harm Kloosterhuis, will be teaching the following course:
- Methods and Techniques of Legal Research (Bachelor 2)
Carel is a member of the editorial board of Leiden University Press.
Some of his recent publications include:
- Smith C.E. (2023), Epistemological crises in legal theory: the (ir)rationality of balancing, in: D. Fassin & G. Steinmetz (eds.), The Social Sciences in the Looking Glass. Studies in the Production of Knowledge, Durham & London, Duke University Press 2023
- Smith C.E. & Kloosterhuis H.T.M. (2022), De betekenis van de concepten beslissingsruimte, beslissingsvrijheid en marginale toetsing: een verhullend woordenspel?, in: Schutgens R.J.B., Schlössels R.J.N., Krommendijk J., Peters J.A.F., Bulten C.D.J., Terlouw A.B. & Werf E.G.A. van der (red.) Toetsingsintensiteit. Een vergelijkende studie naar het variëren van de toetsingsintensiteit door de rechter, Staat en Recht nr. 54, Deventer: Wolters Kluwer
- Kloosterhuis, H.T.M., Smith, C.E. (2021), Regels van redelijke rechtsvinding, Ars Aequi 2021, 70/6
An overview of his work can be found via this link.

Harm Kloosterhuis has been one of our guest lecturers since 1998. Next to that, he is Associate Professor at the Erasmus University Rotterdam (the Netherlands).
Harm Kloosterhuis holds a Master in Law from the University of Amsterdam (the Netherlands) as well as a Master in Arts in Dutch Language and Literature from the same university. He obtained his PhD in Argumentation Theory at the University of Amsterdam afterwards. Harm has been a lecturer and researcher at the Erasmus University Rotterdam (the Netherlands) since 2000.
Harm will be teaching, together with Carel Smith, the following course:
- Methods and Techniques of Legal Research (Bachelor 2)
Harm’s research is focused on different aspects of Jurisprudence and Legal Argumentation Theory. Together with his UA-colleague Carel Smith, he publishes the monthly Ars Aequi weblog: Vijf minuten rechtsfilosofie. Speurtochten langs de gemeenplaatsen van het recht.
Some of his recent publications include:
- Kloosterhuis, H. (2023), Maar dat is niet logisch. Drogredenen in het recht. Nijmegen: Ars Aequi
- Kloosterhuis, H., & Smith, C. (2022), De betekenis van de concepten beslissingsruimte, beslissingsvrijheid en marginale toetsing. Een verhullend woordenspel?, in: R. J. B. Schutgens e.a. (Ed.), Toetsingsintensiteit.: Een vergelijkende studie naar het variëren van de toetsingsintensiteit door de rechter, Deventer: Wolters Kluwer
- Kloosterhuis, H. & I.R. Bluijs (2022), Juridische methoden. Casusoplossen, jurisprudentie-analyse en argumenteren, zevende druk, Den Haag: Boom Juridische Uitgevers

Bojoura is one of our guest lecturers since 2023. She is a specialist in Profit Tax and works at the Departamento di Impuesto (Tax Authorities Office).
Bojoura will be teaching the following course:
- Aruban Tax Law (Bachelor 3)

Anke Moerland is our guest lecturer in Intellectual Property Law. She is Associate Professor of Intellectual Property Law in the European and International Law Department, Maastricht University (the Netherlands). Her fields of expertise include Intellectual Property Law and Policy, Law of Trade Marks and Geographical Indications, International Trade Law and External Relations of the European Union.
Anke holds a PhD on Intellectual property protection in EU bilateral trade agreements from Maastricht University. She also holds a bachelor’s degree in International Relations from Technical University Dresden (Germany) (2005), a bachelor’s degree (cum laude) in Dutch Law from Maastricht University (2011) and a LLM degree (cum laude) from the Magister Juris Communis Programme from Maastricht University (2006). Between 2018 and 2020, she held a visiting professorship at Queen Mary University of London on Intellectual Property Law, Governance and Art.
Between 2015 and 2019, Anke acted as coordinator of the PhD programme and the Master’s Honours Research Track of the Graduate School of Law of Maastricht University. Since 2023, Anke holds the position of Vice-Dean for Research and Director of the Graduate School of Law of Maastricht University.
Anke will be teaching together with Anselm Kamperman Sanders, Kalpana Tyagi the following course:
- Intellectual Property Law (Master)
Anke has published on IP law and policy, with a particular focus on IP law between new technologies and tradition. In that light, she is at the forefront of discussing the implications of AI for trade marks, how GI protection can contribute to innovative products that at the same time preserve tradition, and how copyright rules foster the preservation and digitization of cultural heritage. From 2017 until 2021, Anke coordinated the EIPIN Innovation Society, a 4-year Horizon 2020 grant under the Marie Skłodowska Curie Action ITN-EJD.
Some of her recent publications include:
- Kur, A., Calboli, I., Gangjee, D. S., Moerland, A. and Senftleben, M. (2023), Opinion on the EU Commission’s proposals for broader protection in geographical indications law, European Intellectual Property Review, Vol. 45
- Moerland, A. & Kafrouni, C. (2022), Online shopping with artificial intelligence: what role for trade marks?, in: Abbott, R. (ed.), Research Handbook on Intellectual Property ad Artificial Intelligence, Edward Elgar
- Moerland, A., & Freitas, C. (2021), Artificial intelligence and trade mark assessment, in: J-A. Lee, R. Hilty, & K-C. Liu (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence & Intellectual Property, Oxford University Press
An overview of her research can be found via this link.

Frans Koenraadt is a psychologist (NIP), criminologist and judicial expert. From 2008 until 2018, Frans was Professor of Forensic Psychology at the Utrecht University (the Netherlands). From 2018 onwards, Frans has been Professor of Forensic Psychiatry/Psychology and Criminology at the University of Curaçao.
Frans studied Clinical Psychology and Sociology in Tilburg, Amsterdam (the Netherlands) and Illinois (USA). From 1980 onwards he was Assistant Professor of Forensic Psychiatrics and Psychology at the Willem Pompe Instituut. From 1988-2009 he was working as a psychologist at the Pieter Baan Centrum (PBC) in Utrecht, right now called the Nederlands Instituut voor Forensische Psychiatrie en Psychologie (NIFP). Since 2010 he has been a senior researcher and advisor for the NIPF and the Forensisch Psychiatrische Kliniek (GGZ Drenthe) te in Assen (the Netherlands). He also has his own practice in forensic psychology.
Frans will be teaching the following course:
- Forensic & Legal Psychology (Master)
In 1996, Frans Koenraadt obtained his PhD, titled ‘Ouderdoding als ultiem delict’. Frans has an interest in researching killings within the family context, for example the killing of a child, parent or partner. He also has done research in the field of sexual killings and arson. Over the years, Frans has also written about professional ethics in Forensic Psychiatry, international and comparative Forensic Psychology and Psychiatry and the history of Forensic Psychology and Psychiatry. Frans is (co) author and (co) editor of several books regarding Psychology, Psychiatry and Criminal Law.
Some of his recent publications include:
- Dalhuisen, L., Koenraadt, F., & ‘t Lam, K. (2022), Het vuur uit de sloffen lopend: Delictpreventieve behandeling van onderscheiden typen brandstichters, Kwaliteit Forensische Zorg.
An overview of his research can be found via this link.

Anouk Bollen has been one of our guest lecturers in the field of Tax Law since 2015. She is appointed as Professor in Cross border Pension Tax Law at Maastricht University (the Netherlands). Next to that, she is also Deputy Judge at Rechtbank Zeeland-West-Brabant and member of the Disciplinary Board of the NOAB.
Anouk has been affiliated at the Department of Tax Law of the Maastricht University since 1996. She graduated in Tax Law at the same university (1991-1995) and defended her PhD in 2004. She was Director of Double Degree Master Programme in International and European Tax Law during the period (2015 – 2020). As of 2015 she is director of ITEM / Instititute for Transnational and Euregional Cross Border Cooperation and Mobility.
Anouk will be teaching the following course:
- Fiscal Aspects of Labour and Pension (Master)
Anouk’s recent research focuses on pensions in particular.
Some of her recent publications include:
- Bollen-Vandenboorn, A.H.H. (2023), Caribische pensioenen in het Koninkrijk der Nederland: onderscheidend in verscheidenheid, Pensioen Magazine, 2023(5)
- Bollen-Vandenboorn, A.H.H. (Ed.) (2022), Pensioen en de belangrijkste toekomstvoorzieningen: Inkomstenbelasting/Loonbelasting, (13 ed.) Sdu Uitgevers, Fiscale Geschriften No. 27
An full overview of her research can be found via this link.

Sandy van Thol has been one of our guest lecturers since 2015. She is also a guest lecturer at the University of Curaçao. Next to that, Sandy is the founder and managing director of Sotto Voce Solutions, a business and tax solutions company. She is also the current treasurer of the Monuments Fund Aruba. She has gained 20 years of practical experience and teaches Tax Law at the University of Aruba.
Sandy van Thol graduated in 2003 at Maastricht University (the Netherlands) with a specialization in tax litigation and European tax law. After that, she started working as a tax lawyer in the Netherlands. Sandy became an all-around and practical tax lawyer specializing in estate planning, business succession, and corporate restructuring. In 2012, Sandy returned to Aruba where she started her business.
Sandy will be teaching the following courses:
- International Tax Law (Master)
- Procedural Tax Law (Bachelor 3)
Sandy is an author and editor for the International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation and Wolters Kluwer. Her recent research has focused on Pillar 2 Developments in the Caribbean.

Emile Kolthoff is our guest lecturer in Criminology. Next to this, he is Professor of Criminology at the Open Universiteit (the Netherlands). His fields of expertise include criminal organizations, integrity and governance.
Emile Kolthoff graduated as inspector at the Police in 1980. In 1984 he graduated in Criminology at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium) and in 1988 he graduated from the studies Human Ecology at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium). Afterwards, he obtained his PhD at the faculty of Social Sciences of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (the Netherlands) in 2007. Emile has previously worked at the Korps Rijkspolitie, and was the director of KPMG Integrity & Investigation Services and director of the ‘Bureau Integriteit Nederlandse Gemeenten (BING)’. He also lectured Safety, Public Order and Law at Hogeschool Avans Fontys in Den Bosch and Tilburg (the Netherlands) before being appointed as Professor at the Open Universiteit.
Emile will be teaching the following course:
- Criminology (Master)
Emile Kolthoff’s research focuses on criminal organizations, integrity and governance.
Some of his recent publications include:
- Kolthoff, E.W., & Janssen, J.H.L.J. (2023), Dealing with police corruption: Human rights as a moral code for the police, in: B. Wernaart (Ed.), Applied human rights, Wageningen: Academic Publishers
- Brinkhoff, S., Kolthoff, E.W., Mensink, J.W., & Malsch, M. (2022), Een onderzoek naar tip- en beloningsgelden: De motieven om zware criminaliteit te melden bij de politie: welke rol speelt geld?, Proces: tijdschrift voor strafrechtpleging, 101(4)
- Bonnevalle-Kok, R., Koenraadt, F., Kolthoff, E., Pesselse, G., & Stamhuis, E. (2022) Strafrecht op Arubaanse maat, Proces: tijdschrift voor strafrechtpleging
An full overview of his research can be found via this link.

Hildegard has been one of our guest lecturers for European Union Law. She also holds a (Emeritus) professorship in European Law at the universities of Maastricht (the Netherlands) and Hasselt (Belgium) and a Jean Monnet Chair in European Migration Law.
Her fields of expertise include European Internal Market Law and European Migration Law, specifically the free movement of persons.
Hildegard Schneider studied Law, Political Sciences and Art History in Freiburg (Breisgau, Germany), London, Paris and Münster (Germany). Between September 2011 and December 2017, she served as Dean of the Faculty of Law at Maastricht University. During that period, she was a member of the management team of Maastricht University and a member of the education board of the faculty of law in Hasselt (Belgium). As Dean of the law faculty in Maastricht she was actively involved in the setting up of the multidisciplinary research centres: ITEM – Institute for Transnational and Euregional cross-border and cooperation Mobility, MACIMIDE – the Maastricht Centre for Citizenship, Migration and Development, CERiM Centre for European Research in Maastricht and the Maastricht Centre of Art and Culture, Conservation and Heritage (MACCH).
Hildegard will be teaching the following course:
- European Union Law (Master)
During the last three decades, Hildegard has been working specifically in the area of European Internal Market Law and European Migration Law concentrating on the free movement of persons (including the mobility of professionals and students), the concept of European citizenship, the recognition of diplomas. Hildegard conducted various studies concerning the position of Third Country Nationals (family members of EU citizens, legal migration, high-skilled and circular migration, asylum). Furthermore, she has developed a keen research interest in the emerging area of art & law and the protection of cultural property. She has been involved very actively as project leader and participant in various EU and Dutch funded research projects such as the Marie Curie Research ITN research networks TRANSMIC and NACCA, the FP 7 project EURA-NET, the NIEM project and the EU-CITZEN project. Furthermore, she has supervised successfully more than 25 PhD projects.
Some of her recent publications include:
- Unfried, M., Mertens, P., Büttgen, N., & Schneider, H. (2022), Cross-Border Impact Assessment for the EU’s border regions, European Journal of Law Reform (1)
- Schneider, H., & Tans, R. (2022), Integration of Beneficiaries of International Protection in the Netherlands: Third Set of Results from the National Integration Evaluation Mechanism (NIEM), Maastricht University
- De Groot, G. R., & Schneider, H. (2022), Kid Schwarz en de banden tussen Nederland en Nederlands-Indië, in: M. Faure, J. Hamers, M. Olaerts, & M. Verbrugh (Eds.), Eindeloos getob: Liber Amicorum Kid Schwarz, Deventer: Wolters Kluwer
An overview of her works can be found via this link.

Jacques Keltjens is one of our guest lecturers for International Private Law. Jacques is the Vice President of the Joint Court of Justice of Aruba, Curaçao, Sint Maarten and of Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and Saba. The Court is responsible for the administration of justice in first instance and in appeal on the islands. He also serves as the President of the Court of First Instance of Aruba.
Jacques Keltjens obtained his Master at the University of Amsterdam (the Netherlands) in 1986. He was the CEO of the ‘Internationaal Juridisch Instituut’ in The Hague (the Netherlands) from 2011 until 2020. Next to that, he served as Senior Judge at the Court of The Hague from 2013 until 2020. In 2020 he became Vice President of the Joint Court of Justice of Aruba, Curaçao, Sint Maarten and of Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and Saba.
Jacques will be teaching the following courses:
- International Private Law (Bachelor 3)

Fieke van Overbeeke has been teaching at the University of Aruba since 2022. Her fields of expertise include Private International Law, in particular global mobility, contract law, tort law, family law and inheritance law.
Fieke is CEO and Legal Counsel at the Internationaal Juridisch Instituut (IJI) in The Hague (the Netherlands). This is a non-profit institute assisting the legal judiciary, i.a. the Dutch courts including the courts of the Dutch Caribbean, on international files in which private international law and foreign law needs to be applied.
Fieke van Overbeeke graduated from Leiden University (the Netherlands) in 2012. She obtained a Civil Law Master, with an extra focus on Labour Law regarding individual contracts, collective aspects and institutional elements. Afterwards, she obtained her PhD at the University of Antwerpen (Belgium) in 2018, where she still works as a Research Fellow ever since.
Fieke will be teaching the following course:
- Private International Law (Bachelor 3)
Fieke obtained her PhD titled ‘Sociale concurrentie en conflictenrecht in het Europees wegtransport’ in 2018 and her research interests still lie with (international) transportation and global mobility.
Some of her recent publications include:
- Hauben, H. (ed.), van Overbeeke, F., Haidinger, B., Waeyaert, W., & Falcone, S., (2023), Cooperation obligations and practices in the enforcement of EU rules on International Road Transport in the EU, European Labour Authority
- Van Hoek, A.A.H. & Van Overbeeke, F. (2023), Over open eindes en nauwere banden: een nieuw hoofdstuk in de Van den Bosch/ Silo-Tank-saga, NIPR 2023/3
A full overview of her research can be found via this link.

Tyagi holds a multidisciplinary PhD (summa cum laude) from the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition, Munich, where she worked as a ‘Max Planck junior research fellow for IP & competition’. In the US, Tyagi worked as a ‘consultant’ and was the recipient of the ‘Lee Iacocca Fellowship for Future Leaders in Business and Industry’.
Tyagi has had an academic training in law and economics (with the ‘Erasmus Mundus’ scholarship and ‘Max Planck Fellow in Innovation & Competition’ fellowship) and corporate strategy (as ‘Think Marketing’ and ‘International Education Without Borders (in M&A Strategy)’ scholarships).
Kalpana Tyagi is the Assistant Professor for Intellectual Property and Competition Law at Maastricht University. She is the founding and managing coordinator for TILC, The Innovator’s Legal Aid Clinic, one of the leading pro-bono legal aid clinics, with focus on IP & competition law. Tyagi is also an Academic Advisor to the INATBA, The International Association for Trusted Blockchain Applications.
Tyagi has also worked as a ‘research policy analyst’ at the International Telecommunications Union, Geneva, whereby she worked on standard setting, 5G patents and telecommunications policy. Thereafter, she worked with a third party funder, Vannin Capital in London, whereby she evaluated the funding potential of arbitrating and litigating IP-related disputes. While working at the University of Århus, Denmark, she developed the Center for Law & Digitalization with focus on emerging technologies such as AI & the Blockchain technology.
Tyagi will be teaching together with Anselm Kamperman Sanders, Anke Moerland the following course:
- Intellectual Property Law (Master)
Tyagi’s research and teaching interest relate to exploring the inter-disciplinary interface of intellectual property rights and competition policy, particularly in the context of digitalization and sustainability.
Some of her recent publications include:
- Copyright, text & data mining and the innovation dimension of generative AI, available here: https://academic.oup.com/jiplp/article/19/7/557/7624901
- Digital Platforms, Competition Law and Regulation: Comparative Perspectives, available here: https://www.bloomsburycollections.com/monograph-detail?docid=b-9781509969418&pdfid=9781509969418.ch-001.pdf&tocid=b-9781509969418-chapter1 & https://www.bloomsburycollections.com/monograph?docid=b-9781509969418
Her full research portfolio and lab can be accessed here this link.
Faculty news and events
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Quality Assurance
Accreditation is a quality label that is granted formally by an independent authority to an academic and professional program that meets or exceeds required standards of educational quality. The UA invites the NVAO (Nederlands Vlaamse Accreditatieorganisatie) to evaluate its programs against international Bachelor and Master degree standards. The following study programs of the Faculty of Law have been awarded a positive evaluation. Click on the reports below to read the positive evaluations by NVAO (reports are in dutch).
NVAO Reports
NVAO positive institutional audit decision Bachelor’s degree in Aruban Law
NVAO positive institutional audit decision Master’s degree in Aruban Law
NVAO positive institutional audit decision Bachelor’s degree in Aruban Law – 2021
NVAO positive institutional audit decision Master’s degree in Aruban Law – 2021
NVAO positive institutional audit decision Civil Effect Bachelor’s and Master’s in Aruban Law – 2021
NVAO panel advisory report Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Aruban Law